Welcome to In Mom We Trust
Roodie Toot Toot it is Mother’s Day!
Give them flowers, hugs and buy them a meal with a loving thank you. Those tepid hard-working ole Mothers the rest of the year do not get much respect, sympathy. A little bit difficult to feel sorry for them because well, after all, they’re only Mothers. Jist ah doin wha Moms doez, ah cookin an ah cleanin. Hit jist wha hit tis, Ma Ma.
God, I am confused with the alternative facts and need clarification. Did You make Eve as a companion for Adam or as a role model for Adam? Did You intend for men to use the Bible as an extortion device against women? Den dar is de thin bout fetch an karrie! Whaz dat bout?
“Mmmm my car’s mechanic.” “My baby’s mama.” “My horse’s trainer.”
He shot/killed his wife, mother of his children. He said he did it because the bitch didn’t know her place. She’s dead. He’s in prison. Children? How much is it costing taxpayers?
In various countries, poor parents sell their girls. The lasting grief of selling (abandoning my beautiful innocent twelve-year-old) my daughter for the rest of the family to survive at her life’s expense is the crucifixion of humanity. Is there a shameful protesting cry for mercy? Is there no demanding justice for the girl, for the concept of family? The world does not have enough tears to wash away the torturous crushing devastation. “Before your feet touch the stones I shall send a legion of angels.” God, why not a merciful commandment eleven against slavery?
Even today in some villages in India a flawed marriage agreement can result in a hopeful young wife being righteously victoriously burned to death. How did men with the help of the devil manage to twist religion to rationalize that as a sane problem resolution? Who is responsible for such degrading insult to humanity?
Imagine being at a beautiful ocean beach mundanely, respectfully interacting with naked people of other nations.
Were you intimate? No sir, your honor! We just had a couple of beers and then had sex. Got raped by two teenagers. Dressed like she was asking for it; probably wasn’t a virgin. Boys will be boys. Be a shame to ruin their careers because of a little bit of de tale. Christianity prevailed against her having a legal abortion. She had an illegal one in a place about as suitable as a racing stable but without the blessing of angels or gifts from wise men. She fought a destructive battle with her inner self for years. How much did that loss cost the taxpayers?
Apostle Paul, “I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over man; instead, she is to remain quiet.” Does God agree with Apostle Paul?
Army Staff Sergeant Morgan Robinson gang-raped by fellow soldiers. She followed army procedures reported the assault; she was ignored by army officers and months later committed suicide. Did the army give a folded flag to her mother with the words not died in vain? Is there a plague at that army base with her name on it and the words “I could have been somebody.”? How much did that loss cost the taxpayers?
Is there any satisfying sympathy relationship between an infant holding Mom’s tit, a man holding morning cup of coffee or holding Colt 45? I miss your security, Mom. Without you the world is a scary place. It is no place for sissies. Mom, you need to step up and protect me. I don’t want to have to shoot anyone.
A docile, prone, facedown, handcuffed, knee on his neck hopeless George Floyd after pleading for minutes for air to breathe, for mercy from some godly empowered police, desperately at last called to his mother that he loved her (Had Mom been there, it would have been different. Adam Henrys, you understand, George was her baby.) as he was being deliberate with premeditation in daylight murdered by police sworn to uphold the law and to protect him in a Christian community. The police were not in danger; they were blessed. George was “black and betrayed” (BnB) by the same Christian community. How much did that loss cost the taxpayers?
A nation that does not provide the necessities for motherhood shall pay the cost of raising lots of neurotic kids who become neurotic adults.
Fools, make no mistake; Mothers are the bedrock foundation of every society. It is not a constitution. It is not a religion. It is Mom, duh.
How a nation respects to be Moms is its gold standard of civilization. Adam Henrys, you must understand a mother’s health before, during pregnancy, and after is a national taxpayer’s concern. God, instead of a 4th commandment honoring parents why not instead change it to “Thou shall protect to be Moms.”? What is more Godly sacred than preventing suffering, helping babies and saving/investing taxpayers’ money?
A Mom’s recipe ingredients for a good batch of kids: love, nurturing, trust, gratitude, empathy, attitudinal reciprocity, tough love, sympathy, forgiveness, cooperation, humor, respect, justice, and spit in the devil’s eye.
How much does enabling healthy Mothers save the taxpayers each year?
It is extremely difficult to convince those in control to give up that control. Women’s top priority is just that. Women must convince men that it is in their best interest to willing share control without any exceptions for biological or psychological reasons.
Who is it and what is it that should survive for society’s long-term greatest good?
Well, we can probably agree that the what is it, is all the loving creative microscopic nudges Mothers give the little darlings. Empathy is a Mother’s creation via identification. Empathy is directly related to evolutionary survival skills developed by Moms. Think about all the subtle unconscious communication skills Mothers artfully teach. Childhood is a long-term boot camp with a Mommy Top Kick. Think of all those front-line battles and no metals. Do generals ever thank Moms? Like man up! Step up! Do admirals and generals ever ever ever think of to be mothers as patriots?
Excuse me, the world has an inherent habit of thinking and treating teenage girls as naive usable toys without regard for their future. Attention! Generals need to take off sunglasses, need to step up, and need to respectfully think of teenage girls as the future mothers (backbone) of their future soldiers; is it called long-term strategic planning for obtaining a few good men? Well actually, it is in the training manual of Navy Seals and Army Rangers (Sir, just joking, Sir.).
Millions and millions of insecure Mothers of the world are pregnant with the third child; they fearfully know they can’t prevent the more pregnancies, the more atrocities that come with them and the more clinging children. What great courage each Mother has to have to battle daily the terror that is within, how but for the desperate love of the infants born of her body. The very least the world could offer is mercy; yet, there generally is not even that thin veil of human comfort. How can we claim to be human, claim to love? How can we claim to be worthy of love? Please, even a small sacrifice? How can we claim not be angry? If not now when whispers our angel?
Mom gives/teaches imaginary sympathy and unconditional love to infants. Mom gives/teaches attitudinal reciprocity to children. Mom teaches/trains tough love via natural consequences. How would we like to live in a society without those traits?
What is more important to the world than a young to be mother? Where is the gratitude for the courage, the sacrifice? At least can’t the tepid ole working women make the effort to demand respect and nurturing for her? Can’t they recall their vulnerability first time feelings: the fear, the hope, the torturing avalanche of if onlys (only healthy baby, only he loves me)? They have the muscle, the voting and the buying power to demand it (The jealousy of young ladies’ ignorant brashness is a temptation to be very cruel. “Why should they be spared the suffering price of those before?”). Think! What is more being a woman than becoming a mother, a protected healthy respected mother? Does a nation depend more on generals or mothers? How much unflinching dedicated unappreciated unpaid training do mothers provide the military for future soldiers? Do mothers lounge in officer’s clubs sipping wine, swaying to music, savoring butter-dipped lobsters chatting training manuals? Do generals march in annual review past a viewing stand of mothers giving a salute to acknowledge the heart-wrenching sacrifices of mothers? Generals are entitled to be as usual a day late, a dollar short wearing studly metals. The privilege of rank! Patriots (me?), clearly understand that the more generals and politicians who are bombed, wounded, mangled, killed, bayoneted, tortured in front line trenches, the fewer wars the world shall have. They shall not have died a terrifying death in vain! Their noble deaths are a very cheap price to pay for peace. Oh yes, and their kin get the nation’s folded flag to put in an attic drawer. Bad news, the generals are from a nation’s top 4% of talent. The good news, most nations have an excess of generals, a ton of politicians.
The empathy deficit that admirals and generals have blatantly exhibited toward women soldiers is treasonous in a civilian court of justice. Evil echoes vibrate thru the ranks. Their inspirational Identification is with the uniform, not the human in it.
The military leadership does not deny the existence of women; the military leadership denies the relevance of women. The very presence of women in the military crushes the military’s testicles. A violation of club membership! Thank God women can’t grow a beard.
Perhaps the academies have forgotten the civil war general who said of the nurse tending the wounded and dying “She outranks me.”
So ask the generals and admirals of the world if spending 10% of their defense budget funds on to be mothers or on as usual bang-bang stuff which would do the most for the advancement of civilization and peace? Do the military academies ever ask that question on the final exam?
How outrageous the braggadocio gall of admirals and generals to even suggest the military turns boys into men. Yes, Sir, our boys crawl in the mud under barbed wire, put on a uniform, stand straight and turn into our men. Mom’s eighteen years of previous one on one sissy training not credited nor even acknowledged. The military vigorously enhances mom’s sissy training of teamwork, discipline, hygiene, organization, determination and planning.
Admirals and generals say over 40% of men 18 to 25 can not pass the physical examination (And standards have been lowered.). What actions are these superior humans (generals) taking to change the numbers? Maybe focusing on being patriotic distracts them from considering it (40%) to partly be their problem. If the admirals and generals think they have the right to war harvest the best (upper 40%) of Mothers’s sons, then shouldn’t they at least “man up, sterner stuff” (attitudinal reciprocity practice drill needed for generals!) with support ($$) from 55% (55% is crazy) of the national (U.S.) budget (Need a few good educated young men who have been living healthy. What, not even a token thank you to patriotic Mothers?). Wow, Moms need a patriotic attorney suing patriotic admirals and generals. Moms need some four-star rank, strut-worthy uniforms with fancy metals, billions defense budget, defense contracts, officer clubs and decent silverware.
Moms do their best to train children to trust and to be trustworthy. They do their best to train children to accept discipline and to have self discipline. Moms do it year after year. How important (money-wise, a dollar value) is it to the military to have trained trust worthy and disciplined soldiers? What debt is owed? What help could be offered? Trust and discipline determine the success of society. Where are the kingdom’s courageous warriors of yore who gallantly slay the fear demons chaining to be mothers? What flowers bloom in floodwaters and poverty? A society raising children in fear tortures itself.
Mom, war is your number one enemy. It kills/wounds your children’s lives. It steals your tax dollars. It destroys your environment/resources. Without warning it makes salty tears wander on your cheeks. If not peace now, when your hopeless children beg.
Politicians are your number two enemy; they are inherently devoid of long-term beneficial planning because of their short-term selfish greed. Statesmanship requires justice, sincere effort, rational restraint, patient applause, of course integrity. Where have all the good men gone pleads the lyrics. Mother, don’t deny tough love to politicians! Put starch in their shirts, a kick in their pants, a few months of close-order drill in the boondocks. Be the nurturing aggressive river of life that you harbor within. Damn, Mom, your country needs you!
Do your patriotic duty.
Step up. Get a sledgehammer and some spikes.
Make comfy crosses for politicians to rest upon. Yummy Mummy tough love!
Society owes justice not indifference (After all these centuries, what not now?) to be mothers. Shame on mature mothers not fighting to protect their own! Put aside differences! The famous words, “If not justice now, when?” the infants cry.
Mothers inherently know their children’s future depends upon the sympathy of the community. Mothers are the nurturing source of that sympathy. Tepid mothers from yonder have allowed (encouraged?) politicians and corporate leaders to blatantly display a heinous lack of empathy for to be mothers. Sympathy is in the doing, not the talking (Video propaganda from oil companies with squirrels teasing rabbits.). Those who do not have sympathy must immediately have the opportunity to acutely experience the civilized need for it.
Ah, the inseparable lovers, empathy and tough love, picnicking in the woods beside the bickering creek. Humans have the inherent right to sympathy as does Mother Nature. The wise tepid moms must insist that to be mothers accept the responsibilities inherent in the concept of tough love. Empathy without tough love lacks a solid foundation. Tough love saves mucho tax dollars.
Mommies need to give the military defense budget some rockin tough love. The lofty pentagon defense budget needs some altitude and latitude reciprocity for ground troops (Moms).
Can the world save taxpayer dollars and be considered civilized without a durable sympathy for Mother Nature? Give me sympathy or give me death, roared the hurricane, for I shall favor with tough love!
Justice and respect are lovers wandering hand in hand thru the park on a beautiful spring day. Who has the right to determine shame, respect, guilt, justice and despair?
On whose shoulders is the rightful burden? How did the world so cleverly manage to put so much fault and responsibility on a to be mother? Society (wise fat old men and wise fat old women) should experience being naive eighteen and having a baby. Holding the future fearfully in its arms! Animal mothers build a den/nest to protect babies also to protect a secure feeling while growing which provides a basis for normal adult behavior ( Hey, you! Read that sentence again. “To protect a secure feeling while growing” is the main job that society has to do for child and mother. You, politician, constant grinding gut-wrenching childhood feelings don’t produce normal adults! Extrapolate that concept as a guiding philosophy.). Mother Nature provides for animal babies and mothers. Mother Nature takes care of her own. Human society what? Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
According to the Bible we are told God works: 1. in mysterious ways and years of time; we are told God is 2. testing our faith which takes time; we are told God has 3. a plan for each of us which may not be executed and may take years of time. What has history/evidence told us about God’s plan for to be Mothers? The plan seems to be according to the Bible that men are in control of mothers. Is God happy with the treatment of Mothers by men? But remember, God wisely gave men 4. free will which means God is not responsible for men’s interpretation of the Bible nor is He 5. responsible for the writing of the Bible because men have free will. Are Mothers around the world satisfied with the Bible’s plan for Moms? How many centuries is God going to be testing their faith?
God, I never understood the benefits of the concept of original sin. And another confusing matter, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; therefore, whose son is He? How does it all relate to the advancement of civilization? What was in the minds of the men writing the Bible? What was suppose to be the big picture? Should the guiding light be the perfection of civilization? Could the original sin been orchestrated in a more humane method for the benefit of Jesus Christ?
To be Mothers are enslaved, abused, bullied, damned, shamed, uneducated outcast and unprotected by societies in the world even though they have the DNA from Adam’s rib. Can the imagination gasp the insecurity, the fear and the hopelessness a mother having a baby in a stable must have felt? Such a role model for society’s leadership to condone (Risk sacrificing the innocent young mother’s life for the Holy Spirit’s Son’s claim to humbleness!). At such a time where are the angels, the warrior women (“Before your feet touch the stones I shall send a legion of angels”.). Of course that is wonderful, but all the time (months) before the legion of angels arrive what about month after month one’s terrified feelings? Where the role model embracing the community’s sympathy awarding the trembling courage facing the anxious, obnoxious future (without even a loving legitimate husband)? Society ignores/destains that it is a mother/child relationship until the death do we part (Get it straight, a birth relationship is not a marriage relationship.). Who rightly owns the shameful guilt? Gold is secured in a safe with armed guards.
A nation’s future is more secure with protected to be mothers than with gold ingots (Politicians prefer gold or even the promise of gold.). Protected to be Mothers should be a nation’s gold standard. Taxpayers could live peacefully and save tax dollars.
Wall Street treats to be Mothers like fluffy fluff, the white caps on waves. Belly bumps are a distraction in the workplace, detrimental to career advancement. Wall Street Adam Henrys never met anyone more focused, more serious about their future than a to be Mother! What Wall Street has for Mothers is contempt. Myopic Wall Street hasn’t got brains enough to make a positive impression with the most influential person on future stock buyers.
What has Wall Street ever done for to be Mothers? Did Wall Street demand women have the right to vote? Did Wall Street demand equal pay for women? Did Wall Street demand women be on corporate boards 70 years ago? Did Wall Street demand a warning on a cigarettes. Did Wall Street demand planned parenthood education for teenagers? Did Wall Street demand clean water, clean air and food labeling?
Will Wall Street ever fight for to be Mothers? Even just a few crumbs of human behavior! Wall Street makes most of its money from the feelings of insecurity and inferiority and promoting fear and greed. All hail Wall Street, the facade! Should be branded Facade Street!Wall Street, the mud that hogs wallow in to get rid of insects.
The leprosy brains behind Wall Street has always been algorithms of voracious greed disguised as pardonable humans. Wall Street, the robot piggies of contemptuous glutinous greed! Wall Street the capitalist robot piggies of free will desperately needs an indulgent (socialistic sow) protective big government socialistic Mommy to change the stinky messy diapers.
Wall Street shall never promote peace because peace is a product of justice. Justice is the last thing Wall Street wants. Justice is what Wall Street spends millions lobbying against. Tight control of Wall Street slimy crooks is mandatory for saving taxpayer dollars and taxpayer security. Politicians eagerly fraudulently change Wall Street diapers at taxpayers’ expense.
Know your enemy. Conquer by having it known you are willing to be as ruthless as the enemy. To gain favor with a distracted female baboon, a male baboon will make her baby baboon cry; then comfort it when the mother is looking. Know the motivations of those who give comfort. Use them as they use you.
The basic human value is the ability to give and receive love. Love is the only source of energy shaded by the sun. How you ask does it save taxpayers billions of dollars each year? Which is the cheapest, love or war?
Define justice as laws, enforcement, education, attitude and gratitude. What greater sacrifice and patriotic contribution can one make to her nation than provide its future healthy children? Mothers nurture the future foundation of our civilization, duh! True patriots! World, to be Mothers deserve first-class justice. First-class peace!
Politicians nurture Wall Street’s glutinous greed agenda, wastefully devastating future resources. World, socialistic Bush and Cheney ($740 billion taxpayer bailout bucks for 2008 Wall Street morally ethicality bankrupt corrupt short-sighted babies) saved Wall Street from what it deserves. Wall Street required tits up Neanderthal justice via big Mama tough love government in order for the working people to be secure and not suffer. Wimpy suck up politicians (Obama 2009) did not prosecute Wall Street criminals because they wanted donations from them for re-election “We need to move forward.” Justice for the taxpayers’ anyone? Obama should at least had big government regulations biting their flatulent spoiled brat butts.
Soldiers kill for sovereignty; mother and grandmother must demand that they shall do no less. “Carry your shield or be carried on it”(Mothers of Sparta).
Hopefully Mom, you lived knowing your love and nurturing was tearfully appreciated by me and a grateful dependent society.
Very, very sadly Mom and a billion other Moms did not live knowing the powerful comforting feelings of appreciation and gratitude for their sacrificed nurturing.
The raw and naked is Mom desperately needed those feelings to give her strength and resolution to persist in being Mom. When Mom needed it most she was ignored and betrayed by her own and society.
How dare men blasphemously write, preach and joke Mom was made from someone’s rib (Is that what God intended?). The Blessed Holy Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother of Jesus, the only stained free descendant is from the scavenged rib of the first man who disobeyed God? Seriously! Seems like the best the men who wrote the Bible could do.
Gentlemen, isn’t your description of your God similar to your description of your ideal Mother. Gentlemen, which came first your knowledge of your Mother or your knowledge of your God? Who first produced within you your addictive need for nurturing, love and security? God, if You can hear my words, please, pray for me.
Was Adam’s lost that of the Garden of Eden or the lost of his Mother?
Extrapolation is your homework, please!