When Moms refuse to buy other than basic items, Wall Street shall tremble in panic. Politicians shall be rabid. If Moms would only pout, put hands on hips and shake heads, the stock market would be gasping as a fish onshore. If they sneezed, handkerchiefs would be as snowflakes.
If Wall Street was civilized enough to have a philosophy, it would be one of narcissistic hedonism, sorta like Neanderthal thing.
To cure Wall Street and political corruption requires: 1. What is necessary and 2. What is possible (What resources are available.).
1.Moms have the muscle to make the Federal Reserve and Wall Street stop the slimy snake crawling poisoning world corruption. If Moms demanded (flexing muscle) ending corruption, Wall Street would be bankrupt and begging. Tepid ladies, maybe a war chant “be healed or be hanged”.
2.There is no need for marches! Wall Street thinks marchers are funny wimpy bleating creatures spending marching money on products enriching the market. Marches defeat the cause because marches bleed off energy and anger which is needed to stay on goal. A march makes people feel like they did their part; they have bragging rights; they gave flowers to police; they spent hundreds of dollars; they are tired, and the grandchildren should be proud and grateful (We know that we are not important, but when we can be part of a protest march of thousands. We know that we contribute some value to the whole.).
3.War is about power and money. Peace is about power and money.
4.Civilization is about the advancement of discipline. Civilization demands laws and justice. Citizens should respect policemen; they are working people with families just following orders doing what politicians and bankers order them to do. Citizens are civilization’s the first line of defense; policemen are the second line of defense. Duh! Death fight with the evil people at the top, not the police.
5. Moms do not leave for your daughters your duty. What value a cowardly life? Tepid women do not even know they are tepid! Anyway, bad people should at least be made to live as rats with rats. No rehabilitation for sociopaths, except for a mirror; rehab money can be better spent for more deserving. Corrupt people kill good people. Corrupt corporations, sociopaths, dictators slowly deliberately murder millions (Coca Cola buys free community water wells; thereby forcing villagers to buy the water or walk to a distant well of less quality. One liter of coke requires three liters of water. Coca Cola uses so much energy and water it deprives the crops of needed water. Such refreshing thoughts of Coke.). Beware of the rampant morally corrupt criminal hogs stealing the world’s security and future. Beware sick ones, corporations and dictatorships are only a one way paranoid street for a limited period of time.
Corporate punishment will probably be side tracked to God for eventual punishment because politicians will cowardly avoid it (lose corporate donations which are more important than justice). Do you really believe that corporate CEOs think God punishes anyone for naughty behavior?). Mother Nature shall eventuality tough love punish, unfortunately including the innocent.
6.Police and soldiers follow orders. They do not want to kill people; it is the people at the top who want to devastate demoralize people. Do not offend the police; they secure people, property and guidance for a self-disciplined society (If police behavior is not acceptable, then select police with acceptable behavior. More police are killed by suicide than by criminals. The selection process and the training is flawed. Rethink the system; it obviously does not meet the needs of police and the public.). The problem is that Wall Street gangster mentality has not changed from strike breakers with baseball bats. Aim your phosphorus bombs higher at Wall Street snakehead secrecy and psychotic corruption; it gets better results and real endorphins.
7.Self discipline is the best security for the world. Transparency is the best security for the world. Whistleblowers are the best security for the world. The best security for the world is adequate Clean Air, Water and Environment (CAWE). “Ca We,” belched the vengeful volcano to the silently solemn setting sun.
8.Boundaries: he who violates the functionality of law entangles himself in self torture. Are boundaries or gravity more in important to humans (Gravity is a boundary.)? Does the observance of self discipline (boundaries) create resilience which over time creates happiness?
Arrogant greedy corporations aggressively overstep boundaries then complain as victims when those aggressively pursuing justice overstep boundaries.
The criminal always demands that justice follows the rules. Justice often settles for “something is better than nothing” which makes criminals happy and wealthy. Society’s acceptance of “some” justice angers the working class; it also encourages contemptuous corporate leaders to be inherently crooked. Trust reduces stress. Criminals in government and corporations produce stress and anger. We need an angry holiday! Within the limits of gravity!
9.Do God’s work and enjoy heaven (hymns, harps, happiness); therefore, do the devil’s work and enjoy hell (dancing, doodling, drinking). If man has free will, then who controls his soul? If man had no soul, then St. Peter would not have a job at the gate; actually, there would not need to be a gate. Logic is tricky. Ronald Reagan’s trickledown corrupted economics to the workers is like trickledown religion via corrupted middleman to the faithful. Entitled people in power always insist on the stingy trickledown of food, housing, money, health and ownership. Their religion for those not entitled is be grateful because Something Is Better Than Nothing (in Latin pronounced Soi Beth No = the religion of working people.).
10.In the time of need would it be more comforting to have a God or a Goddess or both? As a role model for family life, it would seem appropriate to have both. What is the advantage of having one God for the people? Mmmm God is angry or my Gods are angry.
Do not pray to God; Say, “God pray for me”. Listen dingbat! 1. It is Friday night. 2. You have money in your pocket. Do you really think there is no difference between praying to God and asking God to pray for you?
Maybe a conflict of concepts? Now on the other hand or foot, what is happening by saying, “God pray for me”. 1. You are accepting a greater wisdom.2.You have humility. 3. You are acknowledging a greater power. 4. You are automatically taking a second appraisal of the situation. Consider: you are in an argument with a relative and you say, “God pray for me”. Five get you ten there will be involuntary changes in your body. Ask the relative to say the same. Bingo! Don’t preachers, who generally seem to lose something in the translation but not in the transaction, indicate that a distant God is an expensive God.
About half the people believe in God; about half the people don’t believe in God and the other half claims to be spiritual. The good news is they all have more in common than they have in differences. Peace, clean air, clean water, clean environment!
11.Scientists are fact based; politicians and CEOs are fabricated based (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, asbestos, roundup) and subsidized by corrupt government politicians! Corporations love socialism but not for the working people. Socialism makes working people lazy, destroys their integrity and alienates them from God. Corporate protected socialism (CPS) protects stock market greed, protects corrupt CEOs and funnels bribes to politicians.
CEOs also claim God’s blessing which fortunately for God has not been proven in court.
12.The threat of destruction diminishes our endeared differences. Collaboration to prevent perishing (CPP) endears us.
13.Logic seems to enjoy teasing the super natural concepts. But logical thinking was not abound at Salem witch-hunt trials. Even one of Yale’s founders believed in witchcraft. The devil you say!
14.Hell historical had an enticing robust note worthy reputation; however, since preachers have been focusing more on abundance theory to fill coffers than tantalizing recipes of brimstone baking, sadly the sermons have lost lustrous lucid liberations. Even illusions of gently grabbing genitalia now are only erotic to those too old for a night out. Has any preacher dare to mention mortal sin or saving for a rainy day; one suffers more from thoughts of an empty stadium, tailgate parties. Teenagers fear the loss of video games/addiction more than the loss of heaven. The self satisfied indulgent ones smugly chide those more familiar with restraint with “well, you only go around once.” Being mired in the details of indulgence, one does not notice the road has a bumpy halt prior to completing the circle.
14.Maybe the truth hurts me, makes me angry, destroys me and frees me as much as it does you.
15.It is easier to train an old rogue elephant than a dictator because the elephant is not a sociopath. The elephant has DNA dedicated to the future. Wall Street/sociopaths have neutralize their DNA dedicated to the future improvement of civilization. Duh!
The established business mandate taught at universities to students is to get the maximum profit for investors regardless of damages to people or the environment. In 2008 average joe taxpayers had to suffer losses and save criminally corrupt Wall Street (Obama was criminal negligence for not prosecuting the avalanche of outrageous crime, not even an arrest or trial.). Of course, he wanted to get donations for his re-election. Snake-hearted sneaky stockbrokers bribing politicians prevailed. Triumphant treasonous Wall Street contemptuously cheated the patriotic working folks again. Thank you, Great Obama.
16.Transparency is the best weapon against corruption. Journalists have a DNA for transparency. Beware of those patriotic posturing entities who slander or endanger journalists. Transparency reduces anxiety and increases trust which increases feelings of security. Transparency is a pillar of civilization! Government officials and generals should take an oath of transparency punishable by a first time offense of death.
How come preachers don’t preach about transparency? The teachings of the transparency trail to heaven! Poisonous politicians and preening preachers plucking public pockets!
17.Journalists are curious owls bravely exploring evil moonlight shadows while harking to a wandering wind warily whispering wise words of waiting wisdom.
18.He who justifies secrecy for your security does not trust you; therefore, (think).
Government/military bury their mistakes by classifying the mistakes as top secret for your protection. Then they prosecute whistleblowers for your protection (National Security). Those who retreat to secrecy to avoid answering questions are guilty or at least suspected of criminal covert corruption.
19.“What did you come to see? A reed shaken by the wind.” Did an expert ever make the effort to convince you of your potential? If she had, would it have changed your life? Mmmm is that spiritual? “Probably just luck,” an angel whispered while attending to duties?
20.Did God give women free will as men. If so what was their girly excuse for at least not writing part of the Bible?
21.Mmmm, if a woman is to obey her husband as the Bible states, does she have free will? If the snake influenced Eve to give the apple to Adam, then did she really have free will? If the man, according to the Bible, is in charge, why is Adam standing under the only evil apple tree in the world with a woman to whom he is responsible for giving guidance? Adam should have been made of smarter stuff. No wonder God kicked him out of the Garden. But Adam was smart enough to blame Eve.
It is not common sense. Converting corn to fuel: wastes and increases how much fuel consumption, increases how much soil erosion, increases how much food prices, increases how much big government regulations/taxes and increases how much pollution (Politician’s logic is bribery based.)?
23.The U.N. should eradicate dictators. How much peace and prosperity have they ever created for the citizens? The UN by law must annually audit any nation exhibiting dictatorial characteristics: publishing, speaking and voting suppression.
There is evil not virtue in being patient with dictators. Want to be dictators are supreme beings making extreme savage efforts to protect and promote their extreme being.
24.Answers are not blowing in the wind; they are written in the grave stones. The Republicans in 1872 buried the party of Lincoln by party platform plank number 16.
Republicans embraced Ann Rand, religious fundamentalists and corrupt corporations to replaced the Lincoln role model. And the devil deviously winked in delight.
The Republicans in 1947 created the Taft-Hardy Act half burning the pro-labor Wagner Act of 1936.
Then Ronald Reagan half buried labor with trickle down money to working people which made rich people lazy and richer.
Lincoln said, “Capital is the fruit of labor.” That should have been put on his gravestone.
25.There is a gas station, restaurant and parking lot named the Final Approach on Pena Blvd. two miles before Denver International Airport. On the wall in the restaurant is a mural: 1. three men and two women, 2.men are more upright than women, 3. men appear more authoritative, 4. men appear more productive than women, 5. women appear more stressed than men, 6. a man leads the procession, 7. all the men are taller than the women and women have longer stride proportionally than men. Did women select/approve the mural? A man must have painted it, right? Should the restaurant been named Final Straw?
26.Common sense justice is a corruption killer. Common sense transparency is a corruption killer. Common sense whistle blowers are corruption killers. Laws that protect whistleblowers are corruption killers. Corruption is a killer of security and peace.
26.Moms love a good retirement plan. CEOs hate a good retirement plan for employees because plans decrease share value. A CEO’s good retirement plan increases share value?
27.Security is having the basics: 1. clean air, 2. clean water, 3. healthy food, 4. adequate shelter, 5. medical care, 6. positive contribution. 7. peaceful future.
28.What is it about dictatorships that I hate. Is there enough time? A dictatorship (a sociopath) is a theft in process of everything important to civil rights.
How many countries have leaders who have the superior human qualities necessary to improve civilization?
29.Why do no account dictators have off shore accounts? Name a communist country that does not have a dictator (a sociopath) for a leader.
30.How is it that the wisdom of a dictator is greater than the combine wisdom of the citizens?
Why is it that a dictator perceives the citizens as a personal threat?
31.Is betting that politicians will keep their promises a good bet?
32.Citizens are too tepid and timid to demand politicians to be free of corruption. Corrupt people need corrupt people. Corruption should be taught in classrooms; there are too many amateurs.
31.If women are to experience justice, they must know that they have the muscle (votes, credit cards and dollars).
Save your dollars! Wall Street hates saving accounts. Name a politician or preacher who talks saving accounts. Saving requires self discipline; politicians, preachers and Wall Street hate self discipline (Self discipline means you are in charge, duh!). A budget requires self discipline; security requires self discipline. Politicians be healed or be hanged!
34.Timber companies, after cutting down 95% of the old growth forests on public land, argued that they need to cut down more trees to stay in business. Really, just how incompetent are they? They are so stupid that after cutting 95% of the old growth they have not figured out how to stay in business? Cut more for what? Incompetent losers!
Good management of public resources would lower our taxes. Public means owned by citizens, not generations of overgrazing ranchers paying sweetheart leasing rates complaining about regulations and publicly owned wildlife.
35.Retirement Plan A. If you don’t need it, then don’t buy it. Stop impulse buying immediately! Because you might need it, is probably not a good enough reason to buy it. Warehousing is expensive.
36.Retirement Plan B. Cut your credit card spending by ——-%?
37.MONEY: 1. make it, 2. carefully spend it, 3. save it, 4. invest it, 5. study it, 6. no illegal use of it, 7. control it. 8. Do not underestimate it. 9. You can always spend it next month on a better deal.
38.Retirement Plan C. Your retirement lifestyle is your problem.
39.Retirement Plan D. Do what it takes to keep a job or create a job.
40.Retirement plan E. Protect your environment.
41.Retirement plan F. Finally don’t trust the government or corporation. Neither is capable of self regulation or common sense.
41.Applaud babies making baby steps. How can Tepid People be soooo content with baby steps?
42.Tepid People desperately cling to the belief that they are not tepid. Therefore as usual ignorance excites no need to consider change.
43.The Holy Spirit conceiving Jesus and placing him in the womb of fifteen year old surrogate girl was a difficult role model challenge for science to morally emulate.
44.Did the Arch Angel Gabriel have any moral obligation to inform a fifteen year old girl that she would have no grandchildren because her son would be crucified? As a surrogate mother, is the Blessed Virgin Mary actually part of the Holy Family? Was she actually married to anyone?
What was the Blessed Virgin Mary’s obligation to Joseph? Greek Gods had a inclination to romance wholesome earthlings. Luke was a Greek. History often reveals that there are parallels tying different generations together. The tweeking of a concept to give the appearance of something new and different is occasionally referred to as the evolution of the concept by those not desperately involved.
45.Was there no other moral way for the Holy Spirit to have people to embrace/believe in religion than to morally crucify His Son? Thou shall not kill. The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus; therefore, how is God the father of Jesus? The devil is in the details.
46.WCTU does that stand for Women Corruption Temperance Union?
47.Years ago Jolly Old England had a law against women deceiving men but none to the contrary nor against beating women.
48.Would one be tempted to deceive someone who is inclined to beat one?
49.500 BC A king ordered that no man had the right to kill his wife and children. Men were outraged because they would not be able to control their family.
50.The poor support the concept of God because they hope God will encourage the rich to have charity in stingy hearts. The rich support the concept of God because they hope God will encourage the poor to continue accepting the control of the rich. Turn the other cheek. Does the rising tide lift all boats including those run aground by corruption?
51.In all things the enemy should be peacefully stopped before striking. It is a waste of life, of energy and of materials to wait until after striking.
52.Research and wise transparent development are # one. Every country has the burden of ignorance and corruption.
53.The rich are against reform because the present (last 50? years) system made them rich! The rich believe competition is good for poor people but not for rich people. “Be above the fray, I say ole boy.”
The rich do not want the poor to lose trust in capitalism. That is what keeps the rich rich. How much corruption (limit) can capitalism tolerate and still have the trust (via propaganda) of the people?
On your tombstone the words, “Something is better than nothing (SBN)”. The rich and powerful always want the working people to go through life believing that. That has been the oath of office since the days of masters/kings, trickledown economics for working people.“Mmmm the conditions being what they are only allows us to offer this generous amount at this time and of course, expect more generosity in the future.” So sayth the rich and powerful.
55.To give in to tyranny, to acknowledge defeat, to scurry as a bowed head rodent, to look into the mirror at some point in some generation creates a force within that demands justice. “If not now, when,” shouted the policemen?
56.Make no mistake! All communist leaders talk communism and live capitalism with no compassion for peasants. And there are lots, lots of peasants, no equals. Communism has the record for the quickest perfecting of a caste system. The inherent nature of communism creates dictators.
57.Compromise might achieve a half way goal to justice. “Something is better than nothing.” Think – Someone is beating someone to death. A compromise leaves a lot to be desired. Compromise with a dictator and the dictator is still there. Justice can’t accept compromise; it is not a fair exchange. It is a denial of justice, a fraud.
58.Thou shall not kill. Compromise that one.
59.Some countries lobby U.S. politicians one on one; it is more effective than going thru the proper government channels. And who can blame a patriot cum sucking politician from being confused about owing allegiance to U.S. or China or Russia? Some ignorant red neck types might call it treason! Guillotined public executions are the only known cure for a disease like corruption. Actually the guillotine execution is not a cure, but it makes a lot of people feel endorphins.
60.Empirical evidence indicates that corruption is genetic. Until exact gene has been found for treatment, the best taxpayer solution is the guillotine.
61.Treason, corruption, politics and finance dance the poisonous cobra dance. What is amazing is the people at the top (trash talking stuff like “no one is above law”) who are responsible for corruption never get bitten by the
cobra; it is the taxpayers.
62.Creativity needs diversity. Diversity in and of itself is a a problem solving mechanism. Of course, by definition creativity abuses boundaries and dictators (the Pope and Galileo).
63.Wall Street is constipated by its lack and appreciation of diversity which is proven by not tolerating a defiant spit-the-devil-in-the-eye posed little girl in a flirtatious dress facing one on one it’s pouty pet bull. Greed drooling corncob wipes should be made of sterner stuffiness. If it wasn’t for corrupt ogre schemes, Wall Street would have no creative equity. Algorithms shall blessed the aquarium trained ghoulish goldfishy creatures with a human facade.
64.Speaking of the ghoulish corruption brings to mind the Federal Reserve which has the big boobies for comforting (giving tax dollars) to sloppy short-sighted spoiled big bank babies to slurpy while messing (2008-9 bank bailout) their diapers. The “reserve” part of the name means rank and file taxpayers do the poopy nanny work (saving too big to fail banks). Home owners losted their homes; bankers kept their jobs and got bonuses. Thank you Federal Reserve!
65.The big ship building cranes in Norway (300-800 ton lift) have women operators rather than men because women handle the stress better than men. Therefore why don’t women operate the war machine and the banking machine?
66.In college, students studying business (MBA) think of art, music and stage students as air heads. When a city achieves a population, the business leaders demand “culture” for the city and hire the air heads to provide it. Seems like DNA problem. Seems like air heads can create and direct culture but not for something serious like business.
67.Private enterprise is the answer. Of course there has to be big government regulations for banking, medicine, education, airlines, monopolies and environment only because private enterprise cannot be trusted to adequately self regulate. Private enterprises like dictators have such a problem with the lack transparency which forces citizens to create big government regulations. The sad news for taxpayers are the corrupt coverups by government and private enterprise. Journalists, whistleblowers, warrior women and tepid women save the constitution. Please!
68.Capitalism is about the concept of “me”. Capitalism goal is to swallow or destroy competition. Capitalism destroys a free market system where possible. Capitalism does not promote self discipline. Teenage capitalism is an algorithm fed data that more is better at any price. Capitalism goal is to enslave consumers. Capitalism is friend of Christianity, same goals, same enslavement with a dash of free will. Kings and Popes have history of argumentative togetherness.
69.Capitalism forces itself to be harnessed by stern enforceable regulations via a just entity. A free market is a fantasy. Capitalism goal is to eliminate competition.
Nobody said “whatever” after the Watts Riot in LA.
Nobody said “whatever” after the French Revolution.
Gosh, if only there had been more tyranny, more surveillance and more immediate overwhelming response to protect the free market!
Why is it that the young generation allows the older generation to be so cowardly by avoiding making the self sacrifice of solving the problems of their day?
70.If you harm a bald eagle, you can get two years in prison or a $250,000 fine. If you shoot someone on your door step, what up!
71.The eye for an eye concept has merit. The problem is often times the other eye is not easily available nor could it be figured out by the available brain power and temperament. If a daughter is raped, what is one to do?
72.Scientific evidence proves that 15 minutes of smoke from various materials can cause genetic damage. The innocent bodies of a fetus and a child are subject to physical and psychological deformities. How important is clean air? Who shall demand justice for the suffering children and parents. Too many laws/regulations(big government) shout the corrupt corporations. If there are no laws, then none can be broken; therefore, no justice. When do children deserve clean air and clean water? If not now, when scream the eagles!
73.Fools, we have no security. Feel the fear. It shall become part of the genetics pass on to children who shall be replaced by lovable robots. Drink beer and watch football games while we can. “Don’t ask for whom the bells toll. They toll for thee.”
74.It would be a benefit to the people of the world if all political parties and all religions lost serious membership; then leaders might realize it is time for change. As it is members are enabling the same o same o fraudulent solutions that encourage corruption. If only 25% of the members came to a meeting, change would happen quickly. Aww, can’t have 75% of the sheep resisting, even one day a year (national tepid day).
75.Are religions that preach women are to be obedient to their husbands promoting a harmonious marriage? If mothers want a secure future for daughters, they should teach their sons about the importance of a secure future. Wall Street destructive teenager type leadership demands rehabilitation via destructive teenage big government leadership which demands rehabilitation.
76.Rich man should put his name on a building, wrong! Rich man should help working people. Then the working people will put his name on a building and in their hearts a role model.
77.The military deceases the security of the working people by stealing their top 40% sons and wasting their tax dollars.
78.Abortion: what is big government doing making laws about abortion? What is big religion doing demanding laws about abortion? Where is the education and family planning to help people at a stressful time in their lives? The same religious people who want abortion laws condone the Holy Spirit impregnating a fifteen year old girl who was not aware she was pregnant and who had no husband. Women have forever given up or have been forced to give up control over their own body allow another entity (men, government or religion, to make laws controlling it)? Well, why should they be innocent? Repeat:, a fifteen year old girl gave up control of her body to the control of (religion) the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit impregnated her without permission, gave her a baby and as a afterthought gave her husband, such a role model loving courtship. God, did you really approve of that?
Seems like rape written in the Bible by men of free will.
79.Sign on bathroom door “whoever”
80.Republicans promote big government if it is protecting big corporations and controlling working people and women’s bodies.
81.Who fights for clean air and clean water the progressives or the conservatives?
82.Do big corporations fight/lobby for our environment?
83.The problem with a black man taking a knee is that a white man didn’t give him permission to take it.
84.Wall Street glutinous garbage rooting hogs assassinate the noble character of civilization via hedge funds, junk bonds and derivatives .
85.What regulations are required to have a free market? What regulations are required to allow capitalism to function at its finest in a democracy? Can a Wall Street like entity be trusted to self regulate in a democratic society?
86.The primary goal of a corporation is not to maximize profit for investors; its primary goal is to maximize the future of civilization.
87.Fear/security: More than 95% of bacteria are yet to be discovered: Mmmmm spend tax dollars on war or science? Is it easier to stop a bomb or a disease?
88.Women are needed in science; seems like not enough men are capable and available. Women need baby time and child care. Duh! Or get more security via (God gave man free will.) praying preachers to provide protection(pppp) which always works better than science, a scientific fact.
89.Should farmers be paid more for premium food quality or for the standard by volume? Did carbon pollution (fossil fuels) decrease food quality by 10% in last 20 years? Are children 10% less healthy today? Is there less oxygen in the air than 30 years ago? Does a decrease in oxygen influence a child’s brain development? Want to ask about the effects of nano plastic partials in food chain? Does Wall Street care?
90.Is heathy food, clean air, and clean water only a problem for lumpy loser liberals or shall the cowardly conservatives continue belching blasphemy? Please God pray for us. Send shepherds, save our fragmentize security.
91.Can one passionately love/worship who or that which one cannot fear?
92.One wonders if virginity in the days of Lucy, the days of cavemen, was at the same premium that civilized men in the days of the Virgin Mary praised it. Is it not puzzling that virginity is even associated with the birth of Jesus? Did the association generated two classes of women? The long term results of the virginity fantasy has been detrimental to all women.
93.Do virgins appearing before St.Peter have a different judgement than a mother of seven devoted. How did women cleverly put the idea into men’s heads that virgins were more unique and more valuable fornicators than “regular” women? Odd isn’t it one evening a prized valuable virgin and the next morning just one of the same ole regulars. Who are the women who conceived that marketing concept (Are there some men who will only marry a virgin.)? No market for virgin men? To encourage virgins to remain virgins, Christian law makers should legalize the selling of virginity provided the proceeds are used for education ( Obviously, rape would also become robbery.). In keeping with God’s charity, Christian law makers concern about a fetus should make it legal for the mother to sell her fetus/ infant directly to qualified parents to insure a quality childhood. Such a law would save conservatives tax money and make Christians feel good knowing an infant has been helped.
94 In Moscow there is a protest group: Mothers Against Political Repression MAPR (Ma purr?) April 17, 2020
95.Was the chastity belt made for the benefit of women?
96.Is it the Bible or the U.S. constitution that provides the most freedom, the most justice and the most respect for women?
Would the Bible have so many contradictions in it if God was responsible for its content? Is it relevant that man wrote it, and man has free will?
What was God’s motivation for not having a commandment against slavery? None of the Commandments are as important as a commandment against slavery. A commandment against slavery would have changed the course of history and the course of Christianity.
A mother’s love takes her son into the future. A son takes his father’s name into the future.
Revenge and control are twins are they not? How do the twins relate to the concept of mankind having a soul. Without a soul there is no afterlife. Lazy cowards are addicted to the concept of soul because it provides a means for some devine entity to punish (revenge) a bad person thereby providing the lazy cowards vicarious satisfaction. Justice has been done without the lazy cowards taking responsibility or doing a thing. Such a deal! With an adequate amount of brain washing, the soul concept can be used to control one’s behavior (Communist administrations should message the soul concept to cement their control advantage over rank n file.). If a religion is based on an adequate philosophical foundation, is there any need for a “soul”? Does the success of civilization depend upon having a soul?
1.Is there an algorithm designed to lead the evolution of civilization?
2.If you need a level playing field, you’re playing in the wrong game with the wrong attitude about winning, and the opposition knows it. Boot Camp, anyone?
3.Winners talk about rewards. Losers talk about rules. If rules worked, there would be different winners and more of them.
4.Debate is about now and winning. Discussion is about understanding , respect, points of agreement and the future. Debate and discussion are both good problem solving methods. Debate is perhaps more efficient than discussion; however, it is often needlessly antagonistic and territorial. Unless a debate is accomplished in a respectful gracious manner, future communication may be difficult. Unfortunately in retrospect, the future communication may be more important than winning the debate. Discussion is somewhat superficially antagonistic to the concept of efficiency. Quality discussion communication is efficient and satisfying although perhaps constraining of egos. One must have faith in discussion supported by the voting assistants of Colt, Winchester, Browning, Sig Sauer, Remington and Ruger.
5.Interestingly, a preacher said that God exists by the faith of the people;(Extrapolate! God has anxiety attacks?) therefore the power of discussion exists by faith of the people.
6.Youth is often toyed with as though it was the future, without regard for change. Life without plausible excuses would be unbearable.
7. Religion by its nature is self destructive mostly because of the nature of the people in charge of it.
8. When people say let us speak as adults, translates as they are the adults free to use slither language without counter diction to manipulate others cast as less than adults, ignorant children.
9.It is often said, with a smug look of now I got you, that there are no atheists in frontline war trenches. Obviously all the mothers praying that their sons would never have to be in a war were not heard or were inadequate in sincerity. And well, maybe volume? If rich middle age men and generals had to be in war trenches, there would be no wars. Young men make war possible; they are so gullible!
10.Why is it that conservatives complain about the size of big government but not the size of big religion when both are guilty of mostly the same sins. And it is vice versus with the Liberals.
11.Does religion encourage fantasy of the facts. How many contradictions are there in the Bible? What is it that people want/need religion to provide for them? Can a church gain more financial support by preaching about abundance or about sins? Does the size of a church directly relate to the certainly of the belief of the congregation?
12.What are the reasons for millions of good people being disappointed by Christianity? 1. The lack of acceptance of Christian values by the middle men 2. The unnecessary fostering of miracles 3. The need to offset the power of one king by that of another king with the standard rewards and punishments. 4. The inconsistency of the preached doctrine.
13.Beware of those who refer to themselves as public servants for they are like snake oil salesmen calling themselves health experts.
14.Religion could improve its spirituality and mission statement by avoiding the concept of a supernatural entity. A supernatural entity in community/society can be replaced by a concept of spirituality based a doctrine of concern/love of others. Mega churches are inadequate to achieve that goal. Smaller regularly attended churches/community centers can better serve the goal. Replacement is based upon the faith (a self/community empowered spirituality) in the need for a satisfying survival via the community/society.
15.The true basic conservative Republican goal is 1. protect the really wealthy 2. and provide a big socialistic government for corporations 3. union free 4. unregulated corporations whose 5. lawfully mandate for existence is 6. maximizing profit for investors 7. at whatever cost. The Republican goals for the middle class are taxes, free market, capitalism, private enterprise, police, judges and jails. The Republican goal for the lower class is acceptance of status quo (Something is better than nothing.). The Democrats are almost like the Republicans.
16.A major conflict in each individual life is the understanding the psyche of balancing money functions: 1. earning 2. saving 3. spending 4. investing 5. leveraging 6. donating.
17.Who controls the money, controls the suffering.
18.The Federal Reserve controls the market, and protects corporations. The Federal Reserve mandates that twenty-four bond dealers handle all sales of government securities (free enterprise anyone?). Government agencies cannot even exchange with each other without going through dealers who “earn” commissions on each transaction. The Federal Reserve is eating our/your lunch. Thank you taxpayers!Questions anyone? If one wishes to understand adult games, one needs an adult education. Protest marches deal with symptoms not the cause; therefore, be nice to the police. Remember goodie goodie two shoes, those who control the money control the suffering.
19.Society needs to acknowledge that capitalism loosens the family structure and makes adjustments to the detriment of civilization.
20.1919 the white politicians in the south would agree to allow white women to have the right to vote but not the black women because they were too aggressive.
21.The concept of “giving women” the right to vote indicates ignorance of the constitution and ignorance of equality.
22.It took 70 years of struggle to achieve 19th amendment which did little to reduce abuse. However it gave gentlemen bragging rights and protest rights as victims since 8-26-1920!
23.If for the last 100 years the world had been in awe of education as it has been in of awe of hedonism and corruption, civilization would have advanced beyond war.
24.The leaders of governments and religions need at least a fifty percent change of leaders before needed reforms are possible. It is doubtful if the quality will improved much.
25.What percentage of rich people believe they are not going to heaven? How can people be so blessed and not be pure of heart? God works in mysterious ways.
26.If hell is so terrible, surely that inspirational news would make us more socially acceptable.
27.People lie because it works a percentage of the time. Gambling!
28.Women’s communications skills have yet to be completely documented by discoverable laws.
29.Mmmm, Mother Nature has the nurturing Grand Tetons of life.
30.Security is based on a concept of ownership control (health, laws, insurance, property). The less secured, the more the tragic stress suffered.
31.The world suffers moral decay passively accepting, yes, accepting the amount of torture that corruption and the thousands of little kingdoms dictatorial sociopaths create. If not now, when plead the millions of starving staring eyes of slowly suffering slaughtered children?
32.Billions of people desperately living like animals the life of “something is better than nothing”. God has a plan for each of us. God works in mysterious ways.
33.God is testing our faith. We must prepare for our future. A terrifying meteorite of change needs to crash into our tepid attitudes. The dinosaurs must die. Warrior women, shepherds with staffs of lightning must do battle. If not now, when bleat the starving lambs?
When 35% of government contracts intended for small business get sidelined to big business does the US Chamber of Commerce fight/lobby to right the wrong?
34.Of course not! Maybe that is one reason why only about 33% of small business belongs to Chamber.
35.How can so many working people be so satisfied with so little when the few rich people having so much are not satisfied about having enough?
36.Who are you if you are not seated at the table? Why is it Jesus had no women seated at the table at the last supper? What message was He sending? Which apostle inquired why no woman was seated at the table? Who was denied at the last supper while the spirit wind moaned sorrow passing crumbling pathway walls?
37.Are women’s goals always on men’s time line?
- Afraid of being afraid
- Afraid of not being nice
- Afraid of not looking my best
- Afraid of being me
- Afraid of being loved
- Afraid of not being loved, good enough
- Afraid of loving
- Afraid someone might know
- Afraid others won’t agree
- Afraid of laughing
- Afraid of not saying sorry
- Afraid of myself
- Afraid of future
- Afraid of hope.
- A simple cheap way to control the Mexico border is to pay Mexicans to stop people from crossing it. Each person who crosses is a penalty of $$$ from the monthly payment to Mexico government. Number 2. Have government agreements that our Marine Corps eliminate corruption in Mexico and Latin America. Number 3. Have our corporations invest in countries with decent wages.
- Want to keep manufacturing jobs in USA? Make a law that with everything being equal the seller of a company must sell it to employees. Also with everything being equal the SBA or a bank must finance the purchase.