To become your potential means having a chance. What religion or what nation wanted women to have equal rights with men prior to 1900?
Why design? Is it possible to design without being educated, involved and empowered? Is it possible to design without being creative, sympathetic, curious and motivated?
Designing creates a mirror reflecting self. Government, culture and religion reflect the pathways and results of man designed driven domination.
Mothers being at the crucial apex of creating and nurturing life are not only handicapped from participating (designing) but are discouraged from it. Women are allowed to design the women things. For example, men (politicians, generals, clergymen, and businessmen) cleverly designed the patriotic DNA culture of harvesting mothers’s sons for war. Of course, patriotic Mothers got a shield or folded flag and heartbroken. Oh yes, a lieutenant or a politician solemnly said not died in vain thingy. Mmmm no laughter of in-laws, grandchildren?
Can group design projects influence our future DNA?
• Design a healthy FOMO philosophy.
• Design rules for rules.
• Design equality for the wealthy.
• Design the mitigation of migrating people.
• Design a labor union based on fair exchange.
• Design nurture without a Mother as a model.
• Design how to nurture a business.
• Design how to nurture a herd of livestock.
• Design how to eliminate the need for abortion or abortion laws.
• Design a philosophy for changing world that has food shortages.
• Design harmony in a tough love environment.
• Design a religion without reward and punishment philosophy.
• Design war elimination by 2025.
• Design corruption elimination with algorithms.
• Design impact of sexual robots on marriage.
• Design self-discipline based on the freedom it provides.
• Design how poverty level Moms can safely get children educated.
• Design the motivation for whistleblower protection.
• Design transparency for politicians.
The concept of sacrifice (gifts) to a powerful god is a creative way of making corruption legal because someone is the middleman; therefore, design a god or goddess (a philosophy) without the need of sacrifice.
• Design ideal mother.
• Design a goddess as a role model.
What are the differences?
How was it, that God is male. What is with God being male or female?
Bottom line, did God being male improve our chances of our souls being in heaven? God being male created a division between he who gave a rib and she who got a rib.
Did man design a god based on a concept of mother? Sorta implies a need for a goddess.
If you do not design your future, someone else will.