Protest Marches
Abraham Lincoln was the first president to use the United States government to support striking workers. He marches with us in spirit.
He would want us to hold our heads up and not fear the God of march leading Moses.
We do not want to publicly admit it. We can not trust worldwide our corporations, our governments, our banks, our military, our religions and billionaires. They have been corrupted by shortsighted sociopathic lust for money and power. We must, if necessary, legally require ourselves to constantly, aggressively prevent them from even attempting to operate in a manner detrimental to the welfare of humanity and nature.
The solution: 1. Demand transparency 2. Support, protect & salute whistleblowers 3. Spy network 4. Educate voters 5. Gorilla Warfare 6. Sabotage 7. Bribery 8. Recruit resilient determination 9. Compromise is only partway 10. Evil will compromise to maintain control or save existence. 11. Oh, and we can march.
We march for: 1. Survival, 2. Justice, 3. Peace, 4. Opportunity.
Basically, we who march have faith in our human unity. We have hope in our future. We have the courage, the spirit to act. Therefore, our oppressors fear for their strength to enforce their corrupt rules, and we can not allow them to respond as they always have. Our future is humanity’s heritage.
Protest marching is an expression of our interdependence; it is an expression of a willingness to sacrifice our differences for a greater cause, a cause that creates within us a release of self-serving chains, a joyful feeling of the overwhelming unity of humanity. We are at last a power to be bargained with, to be at least acknowledged perhaps even feared if not respected. To spirituality, defiantly swim against the corrupt current declaring our desperate need to be human! 1895 Leon Bourgeois “Man is born a debtor to humanity.” Therefore, the wise human safe investment to make is for us to increase his debt. Duh!
Politicians, kings, religions and corporations have trained and motivated people to march/strike and destroy property. If people don’t march/strike, they are ignored. Brilliant perceptive awareness! Brilliant hedonistic leadership! Brilliant problem resolution strategy! Brilliant forcing of depravity on the less fortunate! At what human cost is a billionaire’s wealth? How much tide lifting human value is a billionaire’s pathetic self-enhancing tinkling baubles of generosity? Is revolution/war the ultimate protest march?
One way to make money, to have control is to deny or prevent others from having security (Does the generous addictive use of credit cards increase our security?). Hedonism is our destruction. Sacrifice is our salvation. He who is without character is our enemy.
“An educated democracy may not be profitable, but an educated democracy provides a very valuable motivating force called hope.” That is the very basic, the only basic concept marchers must engrave in their minds.
“All roads lead to the ocean of money.” Which way are we marching? Be alert! Sociopaths seek control of the toll gates.
Democracy must death battle with capitalism for equilibrium.
Why is it so difficult to separate capitalism from corruption? Would a goddess solution prevent protest marches?In 1874 riot police beat workers: men, women and children with billy clubs. The police commissioner for New York City said: “It was the most glorious sight I ever saw.”
1882 first Labor Day march of 30 thousand in New York.
1916 President Wilson was against women voting.
1930 American Labor Law 12 hour day to 8 hour day.
1938 Fair Labor Standards Act – overtime pay
2014 salaried workers averaged 49 hours a week.
Question: Moses, why was there no commandment 11 against slavery? “Thou shall not enslave.”Think of the suffering that religion could have prevented. Think of the progress that civilization could have made. Think of the wasted resources. Enough! The rich and incredibly powerful (rip) have sinfully with inhuman cruelty greedily harvested the crippling of civilization for thousands of years. Even the devil complains of the evil results. Obvious answer: The kings, the clergy, military and the rich did not want a commandment against slavery. They wanted commandments that protected their lifestyle. On April 12, 1861 in the southern states of the USA was the God-fearing clergy demanding an end to slavery? Said clergy prayed to and put faith in God’s guidance. If not march now, when pleads our wimpy moral conscience?
Question: Why was there no commandment 12 against torture? “Thou shall not torture.” Think of the suffering that religion could have prevented. Think of the progress that civilization could have made. Enough! The rich and incredibly powerful (rip) have been the greedy beneficiaries (The Pope initiated the 600 year [1232-1832] the savage Inquisition against cults-heretics-witches, eliminating competition ) of tortuously crippling the advancement of civilization for thousand years. Even the devil complains of the evil results.
Answer: The the kings, the military, the clergy and the rich used torture to maintain control. If not march now, when begs our cowardly something is better than nothing conscience?
Thou shall believe Something is Better Than Nothing =SBN. It is the only commandment the politicians, preachers and bankers swear allegiance to in dealing with the “little people”.
Question: Why are no religious crosses carried leading protest marches?
Where are the wealthy church preachers, priests, monks and rabbis? Let the dictators/police spray chemicals and water cannon the holy ones.
Do the holy ones not care and believe enough in the cause of the oppress and suffering? Do those marching not believe that God marches with them? If God does not march with them, then should they be marching? Who’s side is the devil on in these days of protest suffering? Let the dictators proudly bring the devil’s flag to a meeting or as usual they could blasphemously bring God’s religious flags to a meeting. Preaching from a comfy pulpit to a comfy fed donating mega congregation is not quite like Moses leadership desert march. Seems more like an affliction of Judas behavior in need of a cure, well actually, a miracle.
What is God’s plan for protest marchers? Joel Osteen (has mega church in Houston) preaches that God has an abundance plan for each one of the us, which might even include the marchers, but he hesitates to state if God will 1. even execute the plan or 2. when (years) He will take to execute it (Seems like it is a carrot and donkey act.). Of course, Joel’s God has executed the plan for a few million but what about the desperate billions who for hundreds of years have had nothing, trying to just stay alive?
When preachers are in the abundance mode talking about a plan for each of us, who are we thinking about getting the abundance? Jesus has a mind wandering habit of thinking about the other guy also. He may have been thinking about abundance with a charity twist to it. Such thoughts could dampen the abundant fervor of enthusiastic prayers. Does Joel know abundance is about a rich man riding a fat camel into heaven thru the eye of a hypocrite.
Jesus Christ was devoted to teaching a philosophy of transparency, charity and compassion. Today’s preachers have in a hundred years annihilated his teaching by preaching and practicing the philosophy of capitalistic hedonism.
It is always interesting to speculate about God’s guidance. Mmmm God’s abundance? He works in mysterious ways. God’s Ten Commandments provides for an abundance of character. What happens to an abundance of hedonism if the electrical system is hacked? Does God customize His abundance to our needs or to our desires?
Joel preaches about his God’s abundance. What was his God’s abundance plan for each one of hurricane Harvey’s flood victims? Is God’s plan for Joel one of abundance ($millions?)? What is God’s plan for what Joel is supposed to do with the abundance that God has provided for him. “If much is given, much is expected to be played forward.” Jesus set an example and played it forward and gave bread and fish to those wanting to know the way. What is God’s plan for what each person is supposed to do with abundance? Does Joel preach about that? One preacher in Austin has two airplanes. Did Jesus have a horse or donkey? Is anyone on the same page with Jesus anymore? Aren’t the abundance preachers actually solvating about hedonism. If it quacks like hedonism is affluent like hedonism then it is hedonism. Jesus spoke of charity, not hedonism, for civilization, obviously an outdated role model for today’s preachers; then what is to be expected from the congregation’s interpretation? If congregations accept the teaching of Jesus, then why don’t they require their preachers to accept his compassionate teachings? Joel, religion basically needs to man up, step up and do right by Jesus role model. The I got mine role model doesn’t cut it. Slippery slope snake oil preachin ain’t ah gona git er dun! A lot of preachers need coaching from (TLM), Tough Love Mamas.
Joel preaches that God tests our faith. What is a reasonable amount of time for testing faith? How much pain testing should one endure? Seems like a merciful thing to do would be to have believable boundaries, time lines. There are generations of poverty with no abundance in sight. Are marches really just very basic abundance marches? Was Moses leading a march to find a luxurious buffet table for those who had so little for so long? Was Jesus talking of the charity (billionaires skimpy insulting million dollar handouts, a community soup kitchen, loaves of bread and fish) or a more Godly view of charity sorta like talking of a level playing field (kids educated)? Is there an inverse relationship between charity and war?
Was God testing Joel with the victims of hurricane Harvey flooding? Would Joel recommend leading a protest march? He has been brave enough to fearlessly recommended his wife’s beauty products, but obviously not for the millions of women and children struggling while starving to escape heartlessly cruel dictators. Dictators have received God’s abundance. Mmmm did they pray or kill for it?
Why do people go to mega churches: drive farther, give more $$$, dress up more, closer to God(?), bragging rights, more glitzy bling and deteriorate your local needy community? Hey exalted ones, why not support the community church where you live thereby strengthening community relationships and your local support network? The Bible is the same in world where ever. Mega churches encourage small Bible study groups: 1. to generate adhesiveness in congregation which a mega church lacks, 2. to generate leaders; therefore, why not put aside a pretentious lifestyle and do the Jesus thing by being charitable to your needy local church, protecting your own less fortunate? Why do you lend credence to preening predatory preachers poaching participants from needy local community congregations?
Their hedonistic gods work in mysterious ways testing the faith of those seeking God’s merciful love. Religion is not the problem; the problems are created by the people who interpret and preach it. Spiritual hedonistic preaching attacks God’s spiritual requirement for being good shepherds of our environment. God’s banner has always been CC, charity and compassion, never the abundance of hell’s hedonism (HH). Envy is not God’s plan for what is good in the neighborhood.
Some preachers have been at the front of civil rights marches; they probably believed God was on their side. Seems like they would have made more money preaching about God’s planned abundance and writing/selling a special standardized unique preacher’s perspective of the holy book and the usual unique CDs like the big time preachers in the luxurious entertainment centers that resembles churches. Don’t you just love those sociopathic hedonistic role models cuddling us into heaven? Brimstone and fire with a sprinkle of guilt does not fill the collection plates (Hey, if you are going to hell, why spend the money in church?). In Selma when God’s preachers were marching/carrying the cross for freedom at the front (not mumbling about peace from a pulpit), God had a plan for both sides. Did both sides believe that God was with them in their struggle? Might help with blessed unity. A miracle!
The Rich and Incredibly Powerful (rip) corrupt people and corrupt corporations create our protest marches. The rip always tests the boundaries of their corruption strength: Squeeze our wages. Destroy our resources. Increases our taxes. Destroys our environment. Limits our freedoms. Decreases the quality of our lives. Then the rip enjoys continuing the oppression while ignoring the warnings of rebellious behavior while applying even more righteously harsher penalties. We have to fight against secrecy and for transparency every step of the way. Evil corporate corruption erodes our character, our dignity, our future and our hope as individuals and as a nation. Tolerating corruption and injustice is national suicide. It is the mindset, the spectacle of a wasteful floundering second rate nation smugly flipping off the needs of future generations.
Abused girls/women are three times more likely to become victims of substance addiction. How much is that costing taxpayers? If not march now taxpayers, when abused victimized taxpayers? When! When! Will your wasted tax dollars hurt enough? Think of how many government agencies have been created because of abused women.
Taxpayers, opioids cost you 500,000 American lives, plus suffering and medical expenses. The justice(?) system fined Purdue drug corporation a fraction of the profit the corporation made in profit. Taxpayers, doesn’t that make your toes itch to protest march for justice, an eye for an eye? If not now, when will taxpayers want justice? Want corporate evil to stop! All we asked is when do we march? Is asking when too much?
What sank the Titanic was not the tip of the iceberg.
For every protest marcher there are a 1,000? or 10,000? back home who believe and feel the same way (40%? of Trump supporters to some degree for various reasons support the protest marchers on January 6, 2021.). Does the nation know and feel why they were marching? The marchers are really not the problem (Remember, marchers are a symptom of the problem.); the problem is the starving dragons back home trying to raise healthy baby dragons (We know the origin of Black Lives Matter was not of this generation.) in a corrupt nation. We know. We know. We know. What a nation’s leadership (government/corporations) sows is what a nation reaps annually or perhaps rapes anally.
Taxpayers do not want to strike; they want to work, want to take pride in having worthwhile contributive lives. Protest marchers do not want to march; desperation forces them to march. Protest marches around the world are symptoms of injustice, oppression, fear, desperation, insecurity and anger. The cruel people responsible for the marches are the rich and incredibly powerful (rip).
Who are the protest marchers? They are average willing to work courageous people who have little hope and lots of fear for the family’s future. They can not actually afford all the costs (no $25,000 in savings, no decent wage, no health insurance, no retirement and no job security) and inconveniences (no portable potties) of marching; marching is the last resort. Protest marching is painful, frustrating, dangerous and disappointing; it is a big family sacrifice, a brain scaring event. Protesters are not thugs, looters or criminals: ninety-five per cent of them are decent people (Are 95% of politicians decent people?). Actually, the thugs and looters are the rich and incredibly powerful (rip) at the top. The rip reacts to marches very violently because marchers blatantly insult the rip’s noble, entitled, capable leadership image because marchers are less worthy ignorant cursed critters. The rip always always always labels the protestors as evil with sinister motivations which somehow or other manages to portray the rip as just decent honorable folks protecting their money n oppressive power, money n devastating power, more money n suicidal power. But the joke is rich folks have to decide whether to keep fighting to protect their money or to join we working folks to protect our environment. Like the oil companies that speak with fork tongues. Time has run out for the rich to live in pristine places; more and more the smug rich have to share pesticides and nano plastic particles in food with common folks. Environmental destruction is finally creating a bond. Money provides limited protection from environmentally caused deformed babies (When entitled Harvard MBA testicles pump out enough defective genes, a testicle warning light will finally blink.). Taxpayers have had trillions of dollars stolen via the health system . Now corruption gives them defective babies.
In general protest marches: 1. are not really organized, 2. are too peaceful (Peaceful marches are a waste even for goodie goodie old wimps.), 3. are at the wrong location (should be at a rip location), 4. are too timid, 5. are lacking self respect (heroes putting on it the line for justice), 6. are too few days, 7. are not getting a judge, lawyers and jury with humanely lethal injections for deserving rip, 8. are not rightfully demanding being government subsidized (The government [rip] has corruptly subsidized other things with less good intentions. And why do you think we are marching if it is not to improve the government for citizens?).
What idiot thinks the laws for protest marches should be made by the rich and incredibly powerful (rip)? Hooz dat puttin de fox in de chic kin howz, Mother! It was the rip who broke laws (inalienable rights) and made the oppressive laws in the first place creating the protest! Like man, what are you smoking? If rip wants to make protest laws, then rip can pay for dining, hotel rooms and convention center for the protesters while discussing protest causes.
Why have a protest march if the rip doesn’t get to share the suffering, the feelings, the humiliation, the loss and the future fear if change is not imminent? Get a life protesters! Put spurs on them stomping boots! Need to feel ferocious fear in the heart beats of rip. The rip is your enemy; the front line police officers are not your enemy, duh. Got family and paying bills. Please be nice. Attention! If the police are in your face, you might be at the wrong location doing the wrong thing for getting the right results. Remember what Mother taught you. Spitting in someone’s face is not conducive to a productive conversation.
Adam Henrys, understand a couple million dollars of property damage is a cheap price for a government injustice (long over due) correction for the needy millions (Remember that injustice has been going on for generations.). Those who create injustice while living in luxury and saying magic words to somesociopathic money god, create, prod protest marches from those who actually can’t afford to protest yet are desperately in need of security.
Capitalism without a bridle is a wild self centered stallion on open range.
It is okay to blink if your enemies know you are creating the opportunity to destroy them. To die in battle for a basic worthy cause is honorable. The right to be human is honorable. Inalienable rights are worthy honorable causes. No wishy washy! Our future desperately needs stalking starving savage tough love tigers! Ah preachin peaches n cream abundance ain’t ah goin ta git er dun. Seems like Joel Osteen does not have enough faith in his God to give a “time is of the essence”warranty with his God’s plan for each of us. Why not represent God honestly with 25% down abundance now and the rest as agreed? God, do You consider that to be fair?
No billionaire handout is more spiritual than the lame marching. Those heroes who live by the sword of truth shall die heroes by the sword justice.
If one religion should march, the rip doesn’t get excited. If 5 different religions march together, then the issues have welded together an inspiring spiritual threatening unity that willingly sacrifices their differences; then, the rip becomes fearful because there is a uniting of thought and motivation for a greater cause. Such is the revolutionary mindset case for halting climate change. Security and fear are creating a viable aggressive worldwide force to end the corrupt sociopathic capitalistic war on Mother Nature. The climate march is too late to save the dead ones and the millions of starving live ones. Starving for water, food and shelter with no thought and feelings of being human!