
Those who preach charity and peace stand with God. Those who preach abundance and power stand with evil. Providing security is a spirituality charitable act. Providing education is a spiritually charitable act. Providing justice is a spiritually charitable act.

A Mother’s mammary attribute is the basic inspirational source of charity. What greater act of humanity than to give of one’s body to nourish the life of another? What greater act of bonding can humanity boast? Beginning your life’s nourishment by the charitable act of another is an overwhelming subconscious charitable wonder. What force has caused humanity to stray from the example? Can a world have unity/peace without mercy, charity, forgiveness.
Understand fools, charity does not mean abandoning tough love (natural consequences) forgiveness can be a migratory butterfly.

Why do we focus on charity as something that is done after the event/storm? Why not also focus charity on what happens before the storm which would mitigate the storm and provide a needed pathway of hope. How to Make the World a Better Place by Jeffrey Hollender

Is hedonism a product of charity? Is capitalism addictive qualities detrimental to charity? Does entitlement have its roots in charity? So there is a special apple tree with an abundance of enticing fruit, with a beautiful snake welcoming travelers, mmm? Of course, there are peach and plum trees. As one journeys along the pathway to becoming hedonistic, does one freely plant the trees of charity? Is hedonism and charity a confusing major problem for entitled sociopaths to resolve? At times, one is just sarcastically too funny!

The complexity is beyond Wall Street’s sociopathic ignorance, but a protest march (a giving sacrifice of five thousand marching women for benefit of millions) is a goddess scale act of charity. History shall engrave hedonism on the entry to the Vampire (Wall) Street of ill repute: to the banks, to the churches, to corporate headquarters, to the political caves. The greedy ignorance of said sociopathic leading entities do not have enough charity within to even secure their own future. Vampire Street greed is the toxic plaque sewage sludging it’s way to Mother Nature’s pristine life giving rivers.

Well gosh, how much money $_______ would a person have to have before he/she would freely give away $10,000 along her/his pathway if her/his goal was to be a multi millionaire? To be amaze at one’s own greed is refreshing is it not? Our church prayers for abundance/greed/hedonism is our envious problem, not our charity problem. To deny ourselves a $5 (cup of coffee) treat once a week for the benefit of a starving child is almost the behavior of a civilized human.

Will the future require more charity because of the wars and environment? How graciously will capitalistic hedonism be accepted before the vomiting stench returns us to savages? Prayers for God’s abundance are destroying Mother Nature’s charity. Praise oligarchy preachers!The cross that Jesus carried represented an act of charity, of giving, not of getting. What is it about the example of dying on a cross, abundance praying people, that you don’t understand? Millions are not merely dying, they are severely suffering a starving death. Worldly male mindset can not change fast enough to save them. Hedonism shall prevail. Capitalistic/corruption shall be victorious. All pledge allegiance to Wall Street (Vampire Street) corruption. Wall Street greed assures us that there is still enough time (That is a lie.) if we hurry and spend enough money. We have lots of money; but we hedonistic cowards are not willing to fight corruption while there is a yet couple more years of devastating hedonism to nervously wallow in. The drowning sea walls shall become reefs and desert buried alive skyscrapers shall become grave headstones. Mother Nature’s tough love godless, evolution, creates her own form of charity. What is worth giving is worth reclaiming.