Religion Questions

  1. Who desires a god the most those with a god or those without a god?
  2. On a cold day who desires a jacket the most the person who has one a jacket or the one who does not have o jacket?
  3. Would you rather walk through the jungle alone or with someone?
  4. Do miracles fit within the laws of probability?
  5. Is the falsification of miracles an act of bearing false witness (walking on water)?
  6. How many contradictions are there in the Bible?
  7. What was wrong with the Old Testament?
  8. Did God approve the Old Testament?
  9. How many times has the Bible been translated?
  10. Is each translation of the Bible the word of God?
  11. Did God approve or inspire the translations of the Bible?
  12. Did God create Adam before Eve to send a message?
  13. Why did God create Eve from Adam’s rib? Short on material?
  14. How did creating Eve from Adam’s rib enhance women’s status?
  15. How did God creating women weaker than men help women?
  16. Why didn’t God help women by creating women with fewer months of pregnancy?
  17. How did God help women by creating them as virgins?
  18. Why did God make giving birth so painful?
  19. If God wanted people to go forth and multiply, why did he start with only Adam and Eve?
  20. Is the major reason for the existence of the Holy Spirit the Immaculate Conception?
  21. How dependent is God upon the birth and life of Jesus?
  22. Why didn’t Jesus do more to elevate the status of women and children?
  23. How charitable (equality) did Jesus think men should be to women/to a wife?
  24. Is the military mind (absolute control) naturally orientated to religion?
  25. Why does the military dislike women officers?
  26. Do women military officers put more pressure on men officers to excel?
  27. Have women military recruits help the military maintain its standards (The military had to lower male standards because they were physical blab blab.)?
  28. Is a solution composed of politics, military and religion best for civilization?