Rape a virgin, rape a soul.
Sacrifice a virgin to a god.
Stone to death a woman not being a virgin. Envy men who marry virgins. Stalk women who are virgins. Hey, let’s gang bang a virgin!
That hen convention is a used car lot in need of salesmen. My Mom is not a virgin.
Was it men or women who created the goddess virgin?
Today a precious virgin, tomorrow is a woman not quite as preeningly precious but hopefully loved more with empathy, maybe both.
Unfortunately, occasionally the post event feelings, self image are a lonely struggle, like being lost, naked in a blizzard. Suicide torments.
Are opportunistic young men giddily spreading the propaganda that virginity is not worthy of an admirable pedestal; falsely flaunting the favor of the fairest; therefore, young ladies should contemptuously skate on the magic thin ice.
One should benefit from the effort of one’s labor, self discipline, proper behavior. Therefore, why should one not legally sell (at auction?) the esteemed object, one’s virginity? In the ancient temple days prostitutes gave a percentage to the church. Was a smirking premium paid for a virgin, the robbery of a sacrificed fourteen year old. Her future was also sacrificed but not paid for. Who gives a crap. Get over it. Vagueness of stinging smoke and facade mirrors foster an uncalled for wickedness about the merit of virginity that could be alleviated by simply establishing a dollar value which would forthrightly establish the value of the pristine more ardently in a maiden’s mindset than the weird warbling of the spring winds. What is more noble than to earn money for education by sacrifice of self? Otherwise what a waste and in the back seat of a car? Waste not want knot! Don’t go to Vegas betting on Lady Luck to wave a wand. Wise fathers give wise advice about need to be prudent, protective and practical. Fathers know a truck load of information about young men that they would like to share with their daughters. Their grieving hearts weep because they can’t. To love children and not be able to prevent their pain is a lifetime burden (It is a big mistake to think “This is not quite the right time. I will wait for a better time to speak.” To gamble for a better time is high stakes gambling I can’t afford. The child adjusts instantly and understands what he or she is capable. Sincerity and goodwill usually makes the conversation okay.). Give yourself a pat on the back for standing strong in the face of overwhelming odds.
It is easier to forgive another than it is to forgive one’s self. It is so very cruel to have to live with one’s mistakes. Excuses dull pain but don’t heal the wounds. Excuses are a rash on one’s character. Problems need solutions. Government, school or religion could subsidize and dignify the one time event for the needy with no liability or guarantee. Hey, was it not the government, school and religion that made virginity the Northstar. Role models do not kick the can down the road.
It’s like driving me crazy. Been dating almost three weeks, bitch won’t give it up.
Hey dog, been dating over three months, have not tried to touch her. Maybe your bitch got ideas, feelings about something that you don’t. Maybe that’s what driving you crazy. High school freshmen boys should be required to take a few classes about all the very important stuff that girls must think about before dating. Like what lies will he tell his buddies. How they will be laughing in the hallway when you walk passed. The cute remarks at the fourth class reunion earn a grimace. In high school snickering funny jokes can be suicide invitations, especially if no support friends. Dating is serious biz. Intersecting vulnerabilities, cascading consequences! There was a reason for chaperones.
It is somewhat difficult to simply say. Society adores, respects, elevates, protects virginity for its own selfish benefit. What creates, what defines the dignity of standards, the character of civilization, the sovereignty of a nation of an individual more than virginity? To saunder in a virgin forest feels and thinks differently (Thinks differently? Does virginity influence thinking, interesting?) than walking in a city park. Does a nation that “honors” virgin or wilderness areas have a more sovereign civilization? (Sorry, I am not writing this very well. As the poet said, “If I could describe it, there would be deeper wounds that I could not describe.”) It is a stain upon the character of the sovereignty of a nation to flinch from the filching of its fiduciary fidelity to virginity. Yes my teenager, the virginity of core values, as you would say, is awesome. “George, what up with the horizontal tree. Father, I can not lie; I chopped down your cherry tree.”