
Absolute laws save/excuse the cowardly ignorant from making painful responsible knowledgeable human decisions. Absolute laws deny the evolutionary trust of civilization. The existence of a god(s) based on faith and the existence of politics based on justice/empathy voided to determine the existence of a fetus lacks a rational philosophical result. Does the law produce more fear for individual and society? Does the law produce more financial stress? The historical tragedy for girls/women is that most boys/men have never had an interest in understanding them or an empathy for them; the advancement of civilization (taxpayers) has paid the price of ignorance. If boys/men had the understanding and the empathy, they would have designed their god(s) and their religion(s) differently (A real god would approve/allow the Pope’s six hundred year Inquisition? A real god would approve/allow Joseph Smith with forty plus wives, kings and harems? A real god would approve/allow slavery, war? Would real gods do a cover fanny “free will doctrine” exit from responsibility? Buck stops here! Finger pointing peons!). Men’s desire for power, their evil motivation, their character flaws created sub-human behavior. Imagine a designed capitalistic god devoid of empathy(slavery okay), justice (cut off hand that steals food) fostered on to the masses, worshipped by the wealthy! What happens to the psychological stability of a society/nation that does not provide safe refuge. Males relate dominating women to their neurotic sense of being in control of their environment which is rationally pitifully pathetic.

Misconceptions by Naomi Wolf
The Death of Common Sense by Philip K. Howard
The Road to Character by David Brooks
Unity by Necessity
The Age of Empathy by Frans de Waal
Loneliness by We the People