Mothers are attracted to babies like bees are to flowers. Moms have a craving to be the best Mom possible; it is in their DNA.
What percentage of Moms want kids to be mediocre? Mom’s kids are special. Moms crave for kids to have a chance. Moms sacrifice for kids and fight for them. Moms crave to love their children and be loved by them.
Does the Marine Corps want to be mediocre? Does the Marine Corps want young men to have a chance? Does the Marine Corps sacrifice for young men? Sir, does a Marine Corps Captain love his men, Sir? Does the military and Moms have anything in common?
(Escape from the Box by Col. Edward L. Hubbard)
Emotional priming is the biggest baddest elephant in our environment, in our world. Most of our decisions are the product of our emotions which we pretend were based on rational thinking. Our cravings were created by emotional priming in our environment. There in is the source! A craving is some form/degree of an addiction. Some cravings, while changing apparel, travel in the shadows and are difficult to detect which is one reason for having psychologists.
The infant/child experiences the security of nurturing and the joy of the love creation process. Therefore a mother is society’s incubator for developing the craving for love and security within the child. The child of a normal mother and child relationship unless painfully discouraged or suffered a loss, shall crave “it” for life.
The pathway to satisfy the craving (security/love) may morph into a transference process for instance:• Power
• Wealth
• Exhibition
• Control
• Combinations
It is a craving that can only partly be satisfied by substitutes, but sometimes not even the original. The craving has predatory instincts that must be managed by self-discipline. Without discipline, the results may not be beneficial. Fear and insecurity (contaminated water/air) intensify cravings resulting in emotional decisions rather than logistical decisions (voting). Want-to-be CEO sociopaths and politicians become gleeful predators posing as trustworthy saviors.
Credit, no credit, credit scores, interest rates, self-image, and self-discipline for many people is a toxic insecure lifestyle. Our need to satisfy our addictive craving(s) is a constant threat to our most basic need, security present and future. Mom naturally developed within us our need for security at the same time we were struggling for independence. Mom naturally did her best to develop within us a wholesome rewarding relationship with self-discipline which is very difficult without the help of society. Admiral, why isn’t the military using some of its muscle ($700 billion, contract awards) to help Moms? Okay, so what about some respect? How about we got your back talk? Would you even acknowledge Moms are relevant? No one is asking you to man up and fight in the trenches. General, would that be the patriotic thing to do? Sir, Moms are the basic source of your manpower, right? Sir, maybe Moms deserve more than a folded flag, not wounded, died in vain, blab blab.
It is therefore extremely necessary for society to correctly nurture the concept of self-discipline (Self-discipline is women’s best friend and society’s best friend.). Self-discipline provides the individual with security, control and enhances the individual’s empowerment of life self-esteem. It is the major part of the foundation of society’s stability. Therefore society must provide the necessities for nurturing and love. If not, then taxpayers shall pay the cost of corruption, revenge, violence, and sociopaths.
Why should the majority embrace self-discipline as a healthy lifestyle? The foundation of justice/peace is based on self-discipline! Mom introduces self-discipline (tough love- think natural consequences Psychology in the Classroom by Rudolph Dreikurs) to her baby. She needs planned support. Hello, society! It is the DNA of the future of civilization.
Security craves organization and necessary rules. No one is above the law! But some are above justice! Spirit, then why did women not have voting rights when men did? Spirit, why did men use the holy books as extortion devises against women? Of course, they were below the law (They were legally denied justice.)! Therefore, women can be below the law, and yet men can not be legally above the law according to men lawmakers. Seriously, the war-torn growth of civilization indicates the heavy blood price that could have been avoided had women been treated justly from day one. Justice denied is slavery condone. “Lucy, do you agree?” How many millions can starve to death every year before fat-rich selfish evil men become concerned about their (the starving) future? The future of the starving millions does not matter because the starving are only an irrelevant inconvenience for polycracy leaders.
Ah! A powerful genie (algorithm) has escaped the bottle. Change is coming at such a speed that civilization is an earthquake of insecurity. Sociopaths, change and corruption are the greatest threats to security feelings. “As a rule, what is out of sight (climate), disturbs men’s minds (feelings) more seriously than what they can see.” Julius Caesar.
The differences (created by law and justice) between women and men need a special holiday of celebration each year. Celebrating the differences (of all nations)will provide more security for society. Celebrating differences shall inspire knowledge, appreciation, gratitude and unity. In unity there is security of thought and feelings which of course allows for greater diverse differences Don’t you just love it. Petal on metal! Of course, if too different, there is war. Peace and justice crave equilibrium in our DNA. Seriously! Well, maybe.