The Holy Spirit is important, but it is not very well understood by followers. Is the Holy Spirit male or female? Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; placed into the Virgin Mary’s womb without her knowledge or approval until after the fact (see archangel Gabriel). If there had been no need for redemption, would there had been a need for Jesus? If there was no need for Jesus, would there had been a need for the Holy Spirit? Then there is the matter of the original sin which seems to be the source of the need for redemption. The original sin (eating forbidden apple resulting in expulsion from the Garden of Eden) was not very original in concept. There were probably other effective humane role model alternatives for resolving the offense available. How is it that today’s millionaire preachers live and travel in luxury arrogantly proclaiming God’s abundance? Hungry Jesus traveled in sandals on dusty roads plainly voicing God’s charity and mercy. And He didn’t preach about someone else’s miracles!
According to the Bible, Man (Adam) was made in God’s image and lived in the Garden of Eden. Therefore to what extent is man similar God? Woman (Eve, the Semitic name Eve means female snake) was made from Adam’s rib (Was that the pattern God used for making the female animals of other species?); therefore, to what extent is woman in God’s image? Is Eve’s DNA the same as Adam’s? Why didn’t God make Eve as He made Adam? Short on material? What’s the connection with strength, menstruation, conception and Adam’s rib? Why not both made at the same time? Was God covertly sending a message to women? Was there a covert God message in Eve picking apples for Adam? Could women have been of greater service to God if He made them as strong as men? Would the world be more peaceful if God had made women stronger than men? Adam was lonely and wanted companionship; however, God did a typical mysterious Godly thing and instead of a companion for Adam He created Eve as a role model for Adam, not a companion which has created some confusion as evidenced by the men writing the Bible.
According to the Bible, God: 1. works in mysterious ways, 2. gave man free will (which frees God of responsibilities to man). 3. has a plan for each person, 4. tests man’s faith, 5. I-you-we are blessed by God constantly (Home burns; only one person lives; she is blessed; she has insurance; she is blessed.). 6. Forces of nature are indoctrinated into God’s worldly creation but the forces of nature are excluded from God’s control post creation via the original sin-apple thing in Garden of Eden (exception: calming a storm on the Sea of Galilee). All of which is an explanation of many things pertaining to the limiting God’s responsibilities and maximizing man’s responsibilities.
Original sin and the loss of the Garden of Eden is a profound crucial event that is rather gloss over by the entity(ies) in control. An opportunity for an extraordinary teachable lesson was missed. The needed role model for merciful rehabilitation was absent. Why was it absent? Such an cruel burden for the learning!
Unfortunately for God(s), religion(s) attracts corruption (There is always a middle man playing the system for money, power and attention.). Unfortunately for citizens, politics attract corruption (middle man). Unfortunately for all, corporations attract corruption (middle man).
Is the environment part of DNA?
The existence of the concept of soul began when? It enters all human bodies prior to birth and leaves at death. It began with cavemen. It began for the need to improve man’s behavior by award or punishment. It began prior to written records. It began when people’s needs required extending life beyond death? Is there any evolutionary DNA evidence for the concept of soul?
The soul has no moving parts; therefore, it could not evolve. It is eternal. It has the spiritual ability to feel joy and pain in the body or in eternity. It has the ability to travel thru space. It is transparent. Did soul exist before religion? Has having a soul been beneficial to the advancement of civilization? Is the after death part the foundation of soul which hopefully motivates one’s life choices? Is it possible to develop a relationship between an algorithm and the soul? Could the product of that relationship be utilized in a robot?
Man was created in God’s image. God was created in Mom’s image by women. Mothers create/foster love, nurture, empathy, rehabilitation and community. Where do you think men got the concept of what an ideal God should be? They got indoctrinated with childhood evolutionary survival DNA from Mom!
If God is tough love, then civilization should believe in God.
Back yonder there was Lucy without a Garden of Eden. Imagine the extreme difficulty it was for her to stay alive, to have security, to have hope, to have courage, to nurture and to create love. DNA! (There are a billion women living psychologically like Lucy today. Their future is without justice, without security and without respect). How did Lucy manage; how have women managed since? Those who nurture and create love nurture and create a better civilization (Rick Klausner, “The most important health-care system in the world is a mother.”). It is in a mother’s DNA. Duh!
Look who stood on Lucy’s skinny little shoulders. Patriot Warrior Women! Engraved on what plagues, statues, paintings, and granite walls their names? Who has fought longer, fought harder, defended better, and sacrificed more for the advancement of civilization than Mothers?
Do not regret giving; regret that you did not have more to give because you are a Mother and that is what Mothers do. An avalanche of gratitude to you for what you willing gave in-spite of self-wounding sacrifices because you as no others have advanced civilization. An unpayable debt is owed to you and nameless billions more.
1 Peter 4:10 “each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” One can unequivocally say and believe that Mothers inherently adhere more to that higher Biblical standard than others.
As she finish, she defiantly screamed to the world, “Forgive me, forgive me! I am Jesus Christ sorry. I could have done more for you.”
As she finish, she defiantly screamed to the world, “Forgive me, Forgive me! I am Jesus Christ sorry. I could have done more for you.”
The greatest need is security (clean air and clean water). The greatest enemy of security is corruption. The best pathway is justice. Patriot Warrior Women fought for it yesterday, and they shall fight for it tomorrow. Warrior Women Whistleblowers deserve weapons, protection, gold metals, statues and a holiday.
As leadership becomes more toxic with want-a-be CEO sociopaths, the future becomes more fearful. Fear (insecurity) is a terrifying motivadtor that produces devastating results. A healthy society/world is not possible. Fighting for justice is fighting for security. A Boston Tea Party!
One’s greatest strength is one’s greatest weakness.
Acuna, Marcela-
Adadevoh, Ameyo-Ebola
Aglaonike-witches of Thessaly
Akars, Michelle-
Akers, Michelle-soccer
Alsop, Marin-conductor
Amleset, Purity-Kenya park Maasai women ranger team
Anderlini, Sanam N.- MBE
Anderson, Jamie-snowboard
Anthony, Susan B*-politics
Antonucci, Jena-TB trainer
Apgar, Virginia Dr.-babies
Arnesen, Liv-So. Pole
Arnold, Theresa-
Artnik, Alenka-diver
Aspasis of Miletus-philosophy
Astraea, goddess-justice
Attisha, Mona Hanna M.D.
Auriol, Jacqueline-test pilot
Bach, Mary-consumer advocate
Bachellet, Michelle-Chile
Baker, Josephine-vocalist
Baldwin, 1st USA graduate
Ball, Alice-chemist
Bang-Jensen, Helen-wife of Povl
Barcenas, Melanie- soccer
Bargmann, Julie-architect
Barris Gomez, Macarena-Chile
Barton, Clara-Red Cross
Bass, Diana Butler-religion
Bates,Laura-sex edu.
Beijner, Vall-kickboxer
Bell, Jocelyn-
Benazir, Bhutto-Pakistani
Bender, Marylin-journalist
Berlin, Heather A-psychology
Betancourt, Ingrid-Columbia
Bhattacharya, Arundhati-India
Bhutto, Benazir-Pakistan
Bickerdyke, M.A.-hospital
Biles, Simone-gym
Bird, Sue B.-basketball
Blackwell, Elizabeth-M.D.
Blair, Bonnie K-skating
Blair, LS-drug research
Blakey, Sanoma_racing
Bland, Lilian-plane
Bly, Nellie-Bellevue
Boushey, Heather-economics
Bracey Sherman, Renee-abortion
Braekhus, Cecilia-
Breen, Lorna E R Dr. N.Y.
Bronson, Ruth Muskrat-poet
Bruce, Heather-
Bumby, Mary-beekeeper
Burke, Doris-media
Burnhan, Nicole Ann-army raped suicide
Burns, Lucy-voting rights
Butcher, Susan-Iditarod
Caceres, Berta-Honduras
Carrier, Martha-1692 Salem
Carson, Rachel Louise*
Carter, Rosalynn-first lady
Carter, Roslyn-White House
Catherine the Great-Russia
Catt, Carrie-voting rights
Chadwick, Florence M-swimmer
Chandi, Preet-So. Pole
Chanysheva, Lilia-activist-Russia
Chapman Catt, Carrie-vote
Chisholm, Shirley-politician
Chou, Tracy-programmer
Chrisholm, Shirley-politics
Clark, Caitlin- Iowa B ball
Clinton, Hillary-donations- $4 million from Morocco
Cochran, Jackie-test pilot
Coleman, Bessie-pilot
Collective, Jane-Chicago 1969
Collins, Eileen-test pilot
Combs, Jessi-racing
Coughlin, Lt.Paula-pilot
Coughlin, Paula-tailhook
Cristoforetti, Samantha-space
Crump, Dianne-jockey
Cunningham, Stacy-NYSE
Currie, Madam Marie*-science
Davis, Eva-East Lake Meadows, Atlanta
Day, Dorothy-journalism
de Beauvoir, Simone-philosopher
Dickey, Faith-slack line
Diller, Phyllis-comedy
Disney, Abigail-leadership
Dix, Dorothea-recruit nurses
Doudna, Jennifer-DNA
Duflo, Esther-economist
Duke, Annie-poker
Eastman, Crystal-ERA 1923
Eddy, Bernice-cancer virus
Ederle, Gertrude-
Ekwursel, Brenda-scientist
Eldering, Grace-vaccine
En Hedu-Anna/astronomer
Evans, Aicha-Zoox CEO
Eve-rib miracle
Farrell, Billie J -Old Ironsides
Farrell, Eileen-opera
Fearless Girl-NYSE
Feinstein, Dianne-politician
Felix, Allyson-track
Ferguson, Sarah-swimmer
Fey, Claudia-wild horses
Firestone, Shulamith-love
Fleming, Peggy-ice
Flowers, Catherine C. – wastewater activist
Fowler, Susan-whistleblow
Fox, Alice-
Franklin, Rosalind-chemist
Fredericksen, Mette-Denmark PM
Gabriela, Maya-surfer
Gaines, Riley- swimming
Gandhi, Sonia-India
Gardiner, Muriel-role model
Garibaldi, Anna-Italy 1840s
Gee, Maggie-WASPS
Ghafari, Zarifa-Afghanistan
Ghez, Andrea-black hole
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader-law
Goldman, Emma-Mother Earth 1917
Goodall, Susie-yacht race
Goodman, Linda-astrology
Grace, Colleen-U.S.Navy
Griffin, Emily-teacher
Grisham, Michelle Lujan-Gov.
Grybauskaite, Dalia-Lithuania
Gun, Catherine-whistleblow
Gunawan, Lauren-secret service
Hallback, Chevelle-boxing
Hamer, Fannie Lou-1964
Hamilton, Margaret-software
Hamm, Mariel M-soccer
Harland, Deb-Sec. Interior
Hathor- Egyptian goddess
Haugen, Francis-Facebook whistleblower
Hayhoe, Katharine-climate
Heath, Crystal Dr.-factory farms
Heffron, Renee MD vs Gates
Hegerberg, Ada-soccer
Hegerburg, Ada-footballer
Hill, Anita-Supreme Court
Hodgkin, Dorothy-chemist
Hollow Wood, Minnie-Little Big Horn War Bonnet
Hooks, Bell-author
Hopper, Grace-COBOL
Howe Ward, Julia-Mom Day
Huerta, Dolores-farmworker
Hunt, Mary-WCTU
Hutchinson, Anne-Salem witch
Inquisition 1233-1832-Pope
Jackson, Shirley Ann-physics
Jarvis, Anna-Mom Day
Joan of Arc-religion
Johnson, Katherine-math
Johnson, Katherine-space
Jones, Mother-magazine
Joyce, Eileen-music
Juno, Lucina
Kaiser, Brittany-whistleblow
Katharine Gun*-whistleblow
Keckley, Elizabeth-seamstress
Keitany, Mary-marathon
Keizer, Danielle-soccer
Kendrick, Pearl-vaccine
Kim, Chloe-snowboard
King, Billy Jean-tennis
Koch, Chrislins-space
Kohts, Nadia-primatologist
Kolbert, Kathryn-abortion
Kom, MC Mary-
Koogle, Maria-painter
Krush, Irina-chess
Kyi, San Suu Aung-Myanmar
LaDuke, Winona-HonorEarth. Org
Ledecky, Katie-swimming
Lee, Ann-religion
Lee, Barbara-military force
Lepaute, Nicole-Reine
Lo, Amy- engineer Webb
Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei-chief
Lonescu, Sabrina-b ball
Lovelace, Ada -math
Luzar, Mary Anne-whistleblower-aids-Fauci
Lyde, Jacquzi Frazier-
Lyon, Mary-Mount Holyoke
MacArthur, Ellen- yacht race
Manning, Chelsea-whistleblow
Martin, Christy-boxing
Martin, Noelle-fem-activist
McClintock, Barbara-botanist
McClintock, Barbara-genetic
Mcffingin, Mabel-food stamps
McGough, Lauren-eagles
McGrath, Any-first combat pilot F-18
McWhinney, Madeline-bank
Mebrahtu, Freweini-Ethiopia
Meitner, Lise-physicist
Merit Ptah-medical
Merkel, Angela-Germany
Metzel, Ruth-Panama
Miho, Nakata-Japan 200km race 20 hours 2 minutes
Minner, Ruth Ann-
Modersohn-Becker, Paula-painter
Mona Lisa-painting
Morgan, JoAnn-engineer
Morris, Ester-Wyoming judge
Morrison, Toni-writer
Mother, Theresa-religion
Myles, Eileen-poet
Napalm Girl-war
Napravik, Rosie-
Nation, Carrie-WCTU
Noether, Emmy-math.
Northcutt, Poppy-
O’Connor, Sandra Day-law
O’Malley, Grace-pirate 1565
O’Neal, Kitty-racing
Olszawski, Ellen M Kuwaye
Oppenhein, Meret-
Orenstein, Peggy-sex edu.
Park, Margaret voting
Patterso de n, Penny-gorilla
Patterson, Janie-pilot
Paul, Alice*-voting rights
Pavlichenko, Lyudmila-sniper
Pech , Ledley-indigenous
Pelosi, Nancy-politics
Perez, Veronica-farmworker
Perkins, Francis*-Sec of Labor
Ph saw uc, Phan Thi Kim*
Phan, Thi Kim Phuc – Vietnam War
Pittman, Margaret-vaccine
Pizzy, Erin-abuse shelter
Pocock, Aderin-mirror
Porter, Katie-politics
Powell, Sidney-lawyer
Price, Leontyne-opera
Putnam, Mary-M.D. 1860
Qing, Jiang-Mao/China
Queen, Mother-England
Ramirez, Blanca- 7 marathons
Ramirez, Monica-farm labor
Rapinoe, Megan-soccer
Reed Wagner, Elizabeth-genetics
Retton, Mary Lou-gym
Ride, Sally-CBC astronaut
Roberts Bertram, Laurie-MRFF
Roberts-Joseph, Sadie-museum
Robinson, Morgan-army gang raped suicide
Rodman Clinton, Hillary-donations
Roosevelt, Eleanor- leader
Rubin, Vera-astronomer
Rui, Yao-telescope
Sadik, Nafis- M.D. Pakistan
Salandy, Giselle-
Schroeder, Patricia-politics
Schumann, Clara-composer
Scott Morton, Fiona-economics
Scudder, Janet-sculptor
Serrano, Amanda-boxing
Shakur, Afena BlackPanther
Shiraishi, Ashima-climber
Shiraishi, Ashima-climbing
Shuai, Peng-tennis
Silkwood, Karen-nuclear power
Sirleaf, Johnson Ellen-Africa
Smith, Betsy-whistleblower-aids-Fauci
Smith, Virginia-AI-open source tool
Sowers, Katie-football
Spitzig, Patricia-AZT fraud
Stanton, Elizabeth Katie-WCTU
Stanton, Elizabeth-voting
Steinem, Gloria-media
Stokes, Maria-parenthood
Stone, Lucy-vote
Stopes, Marie-family
Stott, Nicole-space
Stove Beecher, Harriet-slavery
Straughn, Amber-telescope
Stretcher, Nannette-keyboard
Strothers, Joan-radar WWII
Sturgeon, Nicola-PM Scotland
Su, Lisa-computers
Switzerland, Kathrine running
Swoops, Sheryl D-basketball
Taeuber-Art, Sophie-art
Tanaka, Kane-Japan
Tarbotton, Rebecca-RAN
Taylor, Katie-boxer
Tereshkova, Valentina-space
Teter, Hannah-snowboard
Thatcher, Margaret-England
Thatcher, Margaret-UK
Theresa, Maria- Austria
Thomas, Deb-fracking Wy.
Thomas, Sarah-swimmer
Thompson, Eliza Jane-WCTU
Thompson, Jo-spacesuit
Thompson, Valerie-racing
Thorning-Schmidt, Helle-Denmark
Tree, Arisa- 720 skateboard
Trevino-Sauceda, Mily-farmworkers
Tsai Ing-wen-Taiwan
Tsikhanouskaya, Sviatlana- Belarus
Tubman, Harriet-nurse
Tubman, Harriet*-politics
Turner, Hayley-racing
Vasilyeva, Anastasia-covid-19
Vidal Carrillo,Alondra-Chile
Virgin, Mary-Bible
Wade, Betsy-editor
Waits, Grete-marathon
Walker, Madam C J*-capitalist
Walker, Mary Edwards-role model
Wang, Yaping-space walk
Weatherby, Alissa-log roll
Weaver, Vicki-Ruby Ridge
Webster, Louise B-
Wells, B. Ida-Journalist
Wells, Ida-voting rights
West, Gladys-GPS
West,Nadja-surgeon 3star
Wheatley, Phillis-poet
White, Margaret Bourke-photography
Whitson, Peggy-space
Wickham, Molly-tribal land
Wilding Davison, Emily-politics
Wilkinson, Jemima-NY1784
Willard, Francis E-WCTU
Wilson, Diane-activist
Winkelmann, Maria-astronomy
Winner, Reality-whistleblow
Witch-hunt-New Salem
Wood, Vicki-car racing
Wu, Chien-Shiung-physicist
Yelled, Janet-Sec. Treas.
Young, Alse- witchcraft-hung 1647
Youyou, Tu-chemist
Zakarias, Babe Didrikson-Olympic
Zaringmalan, Maryam-scientist
Zhaoying, Ye-protest China