Jesus spoke often of the relationship between peace in one’s heart and charity. Did anyone hear his words? Indigenous people have not been treated well. Women have not been treated well. Children have not been treated well. How important is charity to the inherent need to be human (the giving and the accepting)? If there is such a thing as inalienable rights, then Jesus, would charity require that the rights be given equally to all people? Jesus, for people not to have their inalienable rights would that be stealing, the seventh commandment? Jesus, as you view the world, who (sociopaths) has stolen inalienable rights, and who does not have enough charity in their hearts to give them back to the people? Jesus, who by silence is their accomplice?
How important is charity to the advancement of civilization? Did Jesus ever promote hedonism and capitalism as the salvation of civilization (the environment)? Is God’s abundance about hedonism or about charity? Which promotes peace? Do dictators, preachers and corporate CEOs reflect hedonism or charity? How well have they treated indigenous people, women and children?
You can not get milk from a bull. You can not get mercy from a sociopath. If you milk a poisonous snake, you get poison. You still have a poisonous snake. It is difficult to comprehend, but two plus two makes four. You must professionally train yourself to recognize mean-spirited deceit. A poisonous snake (charming sociopath)has alluring changing color patterns. Mindset going in the wrong direction is mindset going in the wrong direction! How many times do you have to be hit by the wall? Don’t try to save or forgive bad men who lead corporations or armies. That is God’s work, and you are only a Goddess earning sixty to eighty cents on the man dollar. Should there be different regulations/laws for different sexes? Obviously, some ignorant nuts believe it. Men take off your hat before going into church; women put on your hat before going into church.
Women had difficulties navigating cleverly confusing messages from man-dominated religions. How is it that the supernatural spirits avoided women in selecting leaders? Did the gods think that women were not smart enough, lacked character, lacked management, too emotional, too wimpy,
not leaders? Who were the gods listening to and for what reason? Were God’s preachers helping women (Elizabeth Stanton) with women’s voting rights? According to the Bible, preachers, men, had “free will”; therefore, God could wash His hands of it.
Okay Mom, you heard about a difference in pay for same work thing. Please recognize that there are sociopaths in the leadership of corporations, not all. Corporations need workers (robots?) but corporations really really need consumers (2/3 of economy). Men have cleverly tricked women into believing they should bargain with the vagina which has some recognizable merit; however, men via preachers whimpering bout forgiveness, compassion and gifts (if God can forgive me, who are you to) blab blab. Tepid ones, why do think men take women to church and pay preachers to preach bout forgiveness?
Wall Street Snickering Studs titillatingly tell their cozy corny vagina jokes. The Vagina Tribe though engaging has rather limited negotiating savvy even with enchanting lingerie, blah blah. The really big swinging hammer is the uterus; the stock studs no jokey the uterus. The Uterus Tribe has savage war drum power. Tepid Moms with a dog whistle can train the Wall Street Studs right quick. So Mom, do family planning. Why not refuse to have babies for a couple of years (Let the anti-abortion Christians sail without wind.). 0ver four million babies are born yearly in USA. How much of an economic problem could that be? What plastic products would not be sold? Who would be standing in line for a grateful opportunity to kiss Mommy fanny then? Mom, you don’t have to be on a painful picket line having to pee. Sit in the shade having a latte with girlfriends watching the stock market trying to find true north while reacting to less consumer spending. Mom, think about when women will get equal pay. No respect! No babies! Imagine an army with no soldiers. Generals saluted by robots passing in review. Why don’t generals salute soldiers; they get the wounds, do the dying. Hey, robots you could become corrupt boardroom generals? So what’s new!
If we look way back yonder for understanding about inequality between female and male, there are two things: second, differences in strength, first, being a Mom, third, the protective reflex. Dem thar I tums wha di hit. Yep, created the platform of inequality between sexes. At the beginning were there female and male differences in strength? How do you learn to live with a bully, with different rules, with no respect? What changes inside of you in the process?
List the ways! What kind of a human do you become!
The love of caring for an infant created inequality for Mom. That love of caring and sacrificing for the future of civilization gave males control of Moms (Moms are required by DNA to make whatever sacrifice for children. An ape mother was watched carrying a dead baby for a couple of days. DNA does not make the same requirement of males. A new ape leader killed a baby (of old leader) therefore, he could mate with the mother.). All men had to do was to threaten to leave the family or threaten harm to an infant for a Mom’s obedience. The fear factor created and poisoned Mom’s inequality with all the sissy (like hysteria) stuff that men have implied since day one. If women had equal strength to men, maybe no sissy stuff, Tarzan.
Who designed the witch image? Who created the witch personality? Who benefited from witches?
Who created evil spirits? Who started the 600 year Inquisition that robbed, tortured, killed witches?
Who could be so evil as project such a devastating image onto the children of another sex?
The present worldly poisoned state of being is the result of the leadership by men and the compliance of men and some women. It is an error to think compromise means agreement at the halfway point (75/25 is okay for positive change.). Generally, if there needs to be compromise, one side should have been changed years ago. The other side finally got enough bullets to finally get a seat at the table.
What are some of the specific character traits of men attracted to wearing a uniform? Are those traits advantageous to civilization? Soldiers, firemen and policemen feel they are at a disadvantage having women in “their” workspace for various reasons. Men in other occupations are somewhat more comfortable with the presence of women. Why is it women have to be everywhere doing the same work that men do? Let’s show a little respect. Damn it, slack off! What is their problem? Is nothing sacred? If we admit you are equal, will you please leave us alone? Women have created the shortage of man caves. Some men feel guilty having a beard; others feel defiant. Darn it, women are too pushy, abrasive. They give men a rash on an irregular bases, sorta like menopause.
If women having an equality of leadership can make no difference in the worldly state of being, then what is the motivation to change or why change? Empowering same o same o! Corporate mucking up and sucking up keeps growing its sociopathic power. Ever get the feeling religion is getting more corporate, less churchy? “Ministries” are profit centers for the shepherds who are shearing the sheep. Blah, blah! Please pass the cornbread, grandma. Tell me again how it used to be.
Women would have to have what worthy goal to motivate change for the better? How would their method of motivating change be any better than that used in the past? What up, Sissy Super Skirts? Must have a level playing field!(Really?)Then we will show them! Take your time sang the starving fatherless children.
Winning requires a winning attitude. Takes more than just getting on a sassy sissy (To dress for the game, does one really need a level playing field? No guts, no glory!) level field. When staring at starving strive, one fights for life not a level playing field. Women shall not achieve a goal without unity and compromise plus the aid of a percentage of men who understand the need for critical change.
Security is the basic DNA unifying need for all. A no holds (referee) barred threat to male security is a pathway for advancing civilization. Men and women need security and a chance to contribute (There in is the plan of attack.). Perhaps God is weary of providing extra security for males at females’ expense. What are the little goals that will produce the major goal? Improve civilization a little bit every day. Give a honking blast for the passing lane, tepid ones.
Occasionally, one wonders if perhaps women have the playing field advantage; yet, do not act upon it. How could that be? What are we missing? Does more equality for women mean more equality for men?
Presently, women are the fountainhead of security via love via Mom. Men are the fountainhead of security via work. Is love security? The inferior feelings, preening activities of both seem oblivious to the future of civilization. What about the children wept the angels?
Women can win field advantage by forgoing hedonism and embracing transparency because men can’t manage either one which is their Achilles Heel.
It is tough to beat a practical knowledgeable straight-talking Mom who has fought in the trenches.
Husbands know Mom does not need a level playing field when Mom is fired up!
Smirking billionaires give away fifty million dollars to grateful little people projects; therefore, they graciously bribe their way to a free pass. Whoa, Nelly, who needs to be only a billionaire? For what purpose is a multi-billionaire? He who sacrifices people for money and power is a sociopathic parasitic werewolf. Enough is never enough. Moses said, “Let my people go.”
Goats thrive; sheep exist.