I.R.S. — Institute of Righteousness Service

Chiseled coarse rasping granite words embedded in our hopes, in our hearts, in our minds. Those words proclaim to all a foundation built on a bedrock of fairness, of justice. A smirching of those words by any entity is an attack upon the sovereignty of our culture, our nation, our we the people. We the people should be proud and grateful to have devised a system that enables us to contribute to the financial stability of our nation.

Basically Jesus Christ taught two things: charity and self discipline. Never really thought the IRS would be having his back on that. Who is the Robin Hood who collects money from the rich and gives to the poor? Who insists on disciplined organized business accounting? The IRS collects money for the use of we the people.

There are evil entities: people, political parties, non profits, corporations and the federal reserve constantly striving via negative propaganda and legislation to defeat the cause for which the I.R.S. exists. Short sighted, sociopathic, greed gorging driven fiends dressed in noble attire are parading the virtues of corruption.

Please, let me clarify: 1. Tax cuts are bad for the working people because politicians give a little bit of a cut to working people and a big cut to rich people and rich corporations. 2. Politicians give tax loopholes to rich people and corporations that working people can not use because they are too poor. 3. Working people have been fooled, poisoned by propaganda into believing that paying taxes is bad, stupid and unpatriotic. 4. Hello working people, taxes make our lives safer, easier, better and happier. 5. If working people do not like how tax money is spent, then that is a different problem. 6. We the people need thousands more IRS agents to collect money from crooks. Who ever opposes hiring more agents opposes the proper collection of taxes from the rich people and rich corporations. 7. The working people, we must demand that the proper tax laws and the proper collection of taxes be in place to insure our (schools, fire, police, national parks, scientific research, food inspections) prosperous, safe, healthy future. Righteous taxation of the rich is good news for working people, us! Taxes keep the rich honest. The rich hate honesty; it is in their DNA! Why do rich people and corporations hide their money and headquarters in foreign countries? Because they are crooks! Wake up, we the people! Vote to close loopholes, close offshore accounts, close offshore headquarters. The IRS is fighting crime and fighting for a secure financial future of we the people.