Law vs. Justice
“I could have been somebody.” Marlon Brando- Movie-“Waterfront”
To pay our way and save taxpayers money means, we need a chance to reach our potential challenge. Just having the chance is the only motivation we need, our hereditary propensity.
We don’t need a level playing field. All we need is your flatulence arrogance, your sniggering laughter, your warped jokes and our crucified memories. Our day is at hand and your day is at hand. May our love of humanity prevail. Our attack begins at dawn, while you smugly sleep.
Government has a mandatory need to wisely govern itself that is only common sense, or hedonistic corruption shall systematically govern.
Common sense would indicate that one’s mindset is relevant to one’s success; therefore, at what grade level should discussions of mindset began? Of course, it already has to some degree under perhaps a different label, like being in a womb for nine months. But should more resources be utilized for educating about mindset? It is a mindset myth that all problems can be resolved with finely perfected laws that often detracts from being human. Evil is a finely perfected 24-7 motivated vine snake. The common sense 24-7 mindset of perfecting civilization may have more merit for law and being human.
After defining justice, the common sense justice mindset might begin by analyzing the obstacles between you and your goal of justice.
Common sense demands that accountability and justice start at the top because the top has the worse crime and corruption. In the United States, Ronald Reagan set the model by promoting trickledown wealth; therefore, do trickledown justice. Obama set the model by not putting any of the rich people responsible for the Great Recession in jail. What motivates the criminal justice system to move so aggressively against the poor? Motivated justice for those war criminals like Bush and Cheney never even starts? How many dictators commit massive destructive crimes to citizens and to countries with no national or international accountability? CEOs and corporations bypass regulations with blessings disguised as warnings and token fines disguised as justice. Wall Street bribes politicians to make specially designed protecting laws making what is illegal, legal. Mandatory arbitration is mandatory corruption which is better than nothing. The elite must be protected by the corrupt. Lobbyists set a buffet of temptations for starving status-seeking sneaky snake politicians.
Lots of answers for the question about the avoidance of law enforcement at the top: 1. more difficult, 2. more manpower, 3. political influence, 4. less dramatic, 5. time required, 6. cost lots of money, 7. inadequate fines provides corporate profits, 8. no prison time for corporate officers, 9. inadequate laws, 10. no media correlation with protest marches (except Occupy Wall Street).
You can not change what you will not acknowledge. You can not acknowledge what you do not know or understand. It is called ignorance.
“Something is better than nothing (SBN) is the philosophy of the justice system operating in the world since day one and shall be for hopefully only a another decade. Laws do not guarantee justice.” The right to a trial does not guarantee justice. Corruption guarantees injustice. Corruption destroys the morale of a nation. But some justice is better than nothing. And it is a small price for the rich to pay for avoiding a costly revolution which is very harmful to the wealthy and powerful. The rich people hate protest marches. A peaceful protest march is feared as a beginning of pain breaching the limits of tolerance. It is also an insult to the management ability of the corrupt leadership producing public recognition of the fact.
An uncontrolled protest march is a fear-generating event; the rage of injustice is a flood breaking the dam. An equitable justice system does not produce mob violence. Violence is the symptom; justice is the cure.
Drill down time=DDT
The goal is to generate more taxpayer money and spend less taxpayer money.
Simply by getting jobs for potential criminals and getting jobs for released prisoners will save taxpayers suffering and billions of dollars. Police, courts and jails are expensive. Rehabilitation for potential corrupt leaders should begin in the 4th grade.
Something is better than nothing (SBN) are not the words of justice. Are not the words of a level playing field! Those who use or think such snickering words are your enemy. To them, your life is that of a disposable animal (which is better than nothing).
Peace is the fruit of justice. Fight for the tree of justice; let its roots and its branches spread. What an amazing forests could grow around the world. Feed trees with attitudinal reciprocity, communal survival and inequity aversion. Such words excite sparks in the rocket brains of the fuzzy wuzzy cyclone. Imagine tepid ones, sympathy becoming empathy!
The basic foundation of courtroom justice is that something is better than nothing (Is not the royal appearance of justice better than nothing?). Taxpayers, in the courtroom “hood-winked” is a very real alive expression based on a concrete foundation of judicial bias. Why else the turmoil of appointing judges? Let he who is just cast the first stone. Imagine judges replaced by robot directed transparent algorithms. Of course, the attorneys would also be robot directed transparent algorithms. And the jury!
The fearful forces of justice can create peace. It is only justice that has the power to control the volcanic subsurface lava of aggressive savage corruption, to heal the victims and to create enough courage to inspire hope for a better society. It is of common sense value to discuss peace as a by product of justice. Consider what is it that society must provide for infants to be able to be peacefully sleeping or safely playing month after month?
Common sense indicates that we can not or will not change something if we are not aware of it or if we don’t believe it. We need awareness training; we need proof. The world owes a tribute to George Floyd because his premeditated murder gave the world awareness training which is the first step. The justice system that created his death was evilly produced without the guidance of the Bible; so help me God. How did the religious community righteously manage to create the gallows for a psychotic justice system?
The foundation of religion is based upon the concept of something is better than nothing. Is having hope better than nothing? Is having any kind of an answer better than not having an answer? Fearful mankind has always desperately sought answers by patching together slogans, myths, magic and science to build a secure fortress of explanations. Science, the truth, is a violent vent of turbulence to a civilization frantically clutching the past in the updraft of torturous scientific revelations.
The rich and powerful always always always demand working folks accept “something or nothing”. The rich and powerful never demand justice for working folks because they think it costs them money, they don’t have to, they don’t want to and they don’t think working folks deserve it, even worse they hold the working people in contempt for royal reasons which are too profoundly royal for the likes of you to conceive. In general, reconciliation common sense simply means the working folks always get the something is better than nothing program.
Law is made by the few.
Justice is made by the many. The enlightened angry waves of justice roll on, and on, grinding against the elitist rocky barriers.
The ABCD of civilization:
A. Law and order is an inalienable right.
B. Justice is an inalienable right.
C. Peace is an inalienable right.
D. Transparency is an inalienable right.
What the Bible states is important; how the Bible is interpreted is more important.
Why don’t we stand up and accept the responsibility of punishing those who do wrong? We have other better things to do? God will fix him; we don’t have to. Why do we cowardly burdened God with punishing evildoers who are a product of our corruption? God deserves better and has better things to do. Why would anyone be dumb enough to think that a clever devil would be frantically torturing crying souls in stinky hot hell when he could be relaxing with dangerous daring souls in a cool casino in naughty Vegas?
It is amazing how more than 99% (seems like) of the people are intimidated by ignorance. Common sense tells us that goodie goodie folks attempting to achieve justice or empowerment via to catch a falling knife method are drinking rich folk kool-aid. Such people desperately need an attitude adjustment if they are fledgling fighting to wimp a win.
Whoever controls the data and the algorithms controls justice and empowerment. Common sense must recognize the speed of technological change and recognize the fear created by it. Common sense must create a pathway for adjusting to both.
Common sense would indicate that people protesting abortion would also be protesting war for the same reasons, however, abortion protestors would think protesting war as being unpatriotic. At the point of the abortion decision, both sides are intense; however, afterward both sides spend resources on the next episodes, not the to be mother.
If Mothers demand a level playing field, (bringing a knife to a gunfight) then they must demand of their selves to recognize their handicaps (empathy, forgiveness and nurturing) and consider ignoring/tempering said handicaps to obtain justice. “Carry your shield or be carried on it,” Mothers of Sparta. A husband cheated on his wife. She yelled at him. He said that they should act and talk as adults. He was as devious (insulting/cheating/dismissive) in discussion as in marriage.
Climate change justice: 1. Mitigation, 2. Adaptation, 3. Suffering. Shall anyone be spared long-term?
Bible: 1 Peter 4:10 “each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others…” Hypocrites, if you are not blasphemous and really want to play, you have to dress for a pit bull spiritual game. Anti-abortion folks should insist to be Mothers have the right to In vitro fertilization with genetic mutation corrections for the benefit of infant and a religious society. The men who wrote the spiritual books were ignorant of the future of medicine. Therefore it seems biased interpretations of text are distorting a spiritual concept of mercy. Spirit’s concept of mercy mmmm well, the devil is in the details. One suspects Spirit favors the protection of a to be Mother more than He favors the religious writing of amateur free will male religious geeks. In spiritual eyes, who merits the right to throw stones? Would the Constitution of the U S been a better document if women had help write it? Would the future been better even if women writing contributions made no improvement in the document? The importance of just a seat at the table has far reaching influence. The twenty-first century is the century of justice. If not now, when commands the Goddess of Nature!
Does anyone really believe that no one is above the law? The concept implies that no one is above justice? Can’t swallow that one! If the fine is $10,000 and it should have been $50,000, then someone is above the law by $40,000. How can not being above law produce a $40,000 profit? Not only is one/corporation above the law but one/corporation is making a a great profit and making the law concept fraudulent. If the prison time is two years and it should have been five years, then someone is above the law. How many CEOs (of like mining companies-British Petroleum Gulf oil disaster) have been above the law, retired fat fried fraudulent freaks.
Forget the law chit chat. No one is above justice is the grinder growler (An eye for an eye is about justice, not law.). Justice does not produce a $40,000 profit. No one is above the equality of the law (So everybody gets a $10,000 fine instead of $50,000 and everybody gets $40,000 profit. MBA special at Harvard!). Failure is evil. It is inspiring to have leaders achieve goals within the law, and leaders who create hope. Hope is what makes the present durable! Hey, it is like raising children!
In the old days men made the law and enforced the law because women were theoretically not tough minded enough or smart enough to do it. Woman acquiesced into doing housey things (chopping wood) and doing that inconvenient messy child birth thing. Creating from a rib foundation is a challenge. Society should express more gratitude for the result. The poet would muse that women are the mortar that cements the concrete blocks (men) into a wall. The law/justice needs some women to be some of the blocks and some of the men to be some of the mortar or justice shall not prevail (Being a block is what shortens men’s lives, ladies. Perhaps if more women were blocky, men would live longer.).
If it is important enough, is lying a justified answer? Yes by definition! But who decides importance? What is the true motivation of a decision maker? If justice is the supreme goal, common sense demands a definition of justice. Is justice the only archway to peace? Is it common sense for men to inherently avoid justice because of an addictive need to be superior? Is it common sense for women to inherently seek justice because only justice can protect their most precious asset, their helpless new born.
No one (entity) is below the Law of Common Sense! It is below the law of common sense to destroy/waste natural resources and lives for a culture of hedonism. Hedonistic world culture sacrifices the future at overwhelming cost for rather trivial immediate fashionable benefits. A national growth rate based fifty (?) percent on whimsical hedonism is a tsunami of ignorance and rightfully cultural decadence. The advancement of civilization is inversely proportional to the increase of hedonism. “I” is at the center of hedonism; we is a peripheral fantasy. One should be cautious with Spirit’s abundance! Do preachers ever praise Her for blessing saving accounts? Spending means gaining weight, credit debt and renting storage space.
What is the common sense of any country being ruled by a dictator? Isn’t it common sense for Congress to audit the defense spending? If the majority of the senate was women, would the defense department have an audit? What is the common sense of Congress never auditing the defense budget? The defense budget is ocean waves eroding common sense mainland. Does Congress have the common sense to audit a health defense budget?
Common sense is not capable of alerting us to fear the sociopathic corporations. Sociopathic corporations will punish us and future generations more cruelly for our sins than devils? The internal glowing pain you daily feel is from the thorns on corporate tentacles puncturing your inescapable soul.
Religions must step up (understand the needs) preventing followers from splintering into cults (People talk to Spirits and believe that the resulting conversation has more truth and direction than the holy books such as a tongue-speaking cult. Religion is loosing some of its valuable adhesive/stabilizing qualities to the addictive lure of simplistic answers offered by regressions into the ignorance of ancient times. Talking to a goddess does not guarantee transfer of wisdom and righteousness upon the talking or listening.
Common sense tells us that real believing preachers would not be millionaires. Snake oil preachers with airplanes, money laundering, offshore accounts, profit-making nonprofits, laughing at the IRS! Blasphemously asking goddess blessings! Common sense is directing our beliefs to believe in scientific data-religion as a source of salvation from the satanic evils of corrupt corporations, not God.
Religion has been betrayed by middlemen beyond what women can do to save the basic spiritual values. Common sense recognizes the easy first half of history. Common sense shouts out for second half stepped-up game; the echoes wander thru the voracious vibrations of vibrant scientific data-driven algorithms. This foundation of the new religion has the real answers for questions that created mankind’s psychological need for gods, alas… Does common sense choose justice based on data-driven algorithm answers, or on justice based on common sense facts?
Common sense can not justify the Federal Reserve. Protecting the rich one percent doesn’t justify it. It could be corruption, but it is not common sense for the Federal Reserve to support junk bonds in the summer of 2020 with taxpayers’s money.
What is the common sense of allowing Congressional members to do insider trading? Is it common sense to think Congress members are crooked and take bribe donations from their corporation constituents whom are loyally represented? Is it common sense to think that lobbying offices are really bribery offices, true representatives of the heartland? Congress members and corruption just make common sense! Of course, common sense implies there are alternative facts; however, science does not. Is there an inverse relationship between transparency and corruption?
Is it common sense to chain society to the cruel dragging anchor of anti-abortion because a couple thousand years ago a few half illiterate men preached their thoughts of mankind’s needs. Men who righteously accepted stoning women to death to cure men’s sins. Historical thoughts relating to abortion (mothers) are primitive and savage. The world needs to free itself from the vicious burdening belief that Mothers are the toys and pack animals of gods and men. Mothers are entitled entities in their own right. Society (men) needs to justly acknowledge (Mom’s balancing weight on the scale) its dependence on Mothers for a solid civilized foundation.
Common Sense dictates that If your opponent is not looking into the equivalent of a gun barrel, your cause is as leaves in the breeze.
If more women had more automatic weapons would they have more automatic respect and justice? Is empowerment, equality a common-sense goal? Empowerment to achieve equality is the minimum goal for men. For men, equality is the starting line. Common sense capitalism is opposed to equality and fair competition. Kill or buy competition!
Common sense dictates visiting the graveyard of extraordinary people; once a year visit is a waste of their contribution. Inspiration needs frequent embraces. How is it one stands in the waterfall of greatness and does not get wet? How is it from common roots and common soil such monuments arise? How is it people are not as parasites relishing nutrients to improve civilization? How is it there is not a personal connection, a gyroscope? Why are images of extraordinary people not good luck charms on bracelets? Where is the community grotto with the names of personal angels. Where are the life lines from civilization providing anchors of motivation and hope? It is common sense to evaluate the cost of return on an investment? Is it more profitable to invest a million dollars in police departments or to invest a million in to be mothers or a half a million in each?
Is three strikes and you’re out common sense? Are mandatory sentences common sense? Should judges have a degree in psychology? Is more better for rehabilitating? Are private prisons for the greatest public good? Common sense indicates that private prisons are profit-motivated which negates the concept of rehabilitation.
Is it common sense for big oil not to repair their leaking oil lines? They don’t do it; too expensive. Cheaper to loose oil, to pollute groundwater, no penalty. And they have electronic devices that float thru pipelines to locate exact leaks. The addiction of money sacrifices our children.
Common sense based on empirical evidence indicates that prayer is not the most effective and expedient problem-solving method which means those attempting it should also consider encouraging those in power to make improvements via courtroom justice.
Common sense, unfortunately, realistically scientifically does not support the existence of a super devine higher power than humans. All the prayers, all the singing, all the sacrifices, all the books, all the churches and all the people can at the most only create a fantasy of a higher power with an awesome name. Please help me, Mommy. Don’t leave me, Mommy. I promise, I will be good. I will give you money. I will kill a goat, even a virgin child if only you will make it rain or make it stop raining, but if you could do that, you would have done it already because you love me. Therefore why am I killing a goat, building a church, praying and singing? Oh, it is because of the nurturing and love you raised me with that I crave to create with humans. The middlemen write and preach all the weirdest. A walking on the water we shall go. Hi ho! Hi ho! A calming wild wind to gently flow. Hi ho! Hi ho! I am afraid, Mommy. Love me! Hold me, Mommy. Rock. And now you know why men can’t have a goddess to worship. Say it ain’t so, Mommy!
Waste not want not! “Plastic, plastic far as the eye can see deployed by stupids like me and me.” Does it make environmental common sense to put black plastic fencing (knee high) around a construction site (stupid contaminating waste) and not around a plowed 300 acre field?
Does it make common sense for a country to approve and to lose the future valuable contribution of a soon to be pregnant sixteen year old girl being manipulated into marrying a thirty-five year old man? Can you believe some countries allowing eleven year old girls to be sold. Kinda rips a mother’s heart thinking about it. If not now, when taunts the devil?
Is it common sense for a mother to feel depressed, angry or guilty if her children do not have a chance to be average?
“Yep, he graduated college, worked hard, went without, saved his money and lost it gambling.” “The prospect of making money stimulates the same primitive reward circuits in the brain that cocaine does.” A near miss to a gambler is almost as inspirational as a win. The failure of common sense is caused by emotional input clouding/overwhelming an objective analysis of a rational mind.
It is only common sense for people to seek answers/solutions for the unknown to provide security even if only temporary. The best common sense answers/solutions for a solid foundation must be scientifically verifiable. It is best to drink prudently of the emotionally comforting red wine of fuzzy. Is the need to be born of an unloved fifteen year old girl in a stable common sense? A common-sense role model for civilization? Dude, like wierd de love! Sanity, safety, sanitation and sheep!
Spirits: It is common sense to believe in spirits/angels; everybody does it (It is part of Lucy’s DNA.); everybody does not admit to it. Good luck spirits and bad luck spirits are everywhere. Spirits are mysterious and powerful. “Give me spirit or give me death,” flashed rainbow lighting.
Most civilized countries have enough common sense to provide planned parenthood services to citizens. Planned parenthood services saves suffering, lives and saves taxpayers billions of dollars via welfare, orphanages and prisons. Planned parenthood is a prayer answered for conservative taxpayer money in the bank concept. It is more civilized than offbeat operations and witchcraft. Conservatives need to convert the religious to reality. The money saved could provide a tax cut for the rich. Common sense: Conservatives with only two children obviously believe in and should promote planned parenthood, education and services thereby saving souls and tax dollars.
Common sense dictates that society should imprint on teenage boys the difficulties that the menstruation cycle (Dude, that means monthly psychological damage and physical discomfort) creates for girls attempting to have a normal life. Boys need to imagine being a quarterback in a game with a red crotch and wearing a white uniform. Dude, imagine the psychological struggle of walking into the classroom pretending everything is normal but looking frazzled. Mom I can’t go to school everybody knows! Hark, the vicious cruel debilitating “jokes”. The jokes are worse than the menstruation. Takes lots of control and guts not to give up. The foul-mouth laddies aren’t stud enough to be a lassie. There is lots of needed psychology in a sex ed class; society needs to man up. The kids already know (since the third grade well at least it is not the second) how to have sex. God, as You know, what the kids need to be taught is how not to have sex. Unfortunately, a books doesn’t offer adequate instructions which as one acknowledges should have but the writers had free will, no info and didn’t follow directions; the writers created forever a cascading an avalanche of sins, a heavy righteous debilitating burden on civilization.
Young ladies in provocative apparel should keep in mind that marriage has ruined the future for some good women and saved the future of some bad men.
Whose common sense idea was it:
To make chastity belts
For Jesus stable birth
Impregnate 15 year girl
To call women witches
To make Eve from rib
To prostitute women
To deny women equality
To deny empowerment
To promote virginity
To have honor killing
To burn Joan of Arc
Common sense indicates that the lavish 1. abuse of power (600 year Inquisition), 2. waste (loss of a fourth of France seceded by king to Pope for alliance) and 3. greed by religious leadership are more detrimental to membership than the inconsistencies of doctrine. Abuse, waste and greed could be considered mortal sins by some patriotic rednecks.
What used to be considered a mortal sin been whitewashed into now being a venial sin? Example: Prior to 1931 some denominations considered birth control a mortal sin. Who decided that? Who decided after 1931 it was not a mortal sin? What next will common sense decide is not evil? George Bush’s Great Recession caused by unregulated Wall Street bankers who created mortal evil sins of greed went unpunished by Obama and You until the coronavirus.
Is it common sense to have the government subsidize time, machinery, land, seed, soil erosion, and fuel to make fuel from corn at such an environmental loss and taxpayer loss? Now that is a common sense mortal sin! Hoorah waw waw pitifully sick sociolinguistic Congress!
Do not violate our culture, our magnificent heritage! Common sense insists why not if it is based on the false inferiority of one sex because of the true inferiority (Having a baby is a man sized job.) of the other sex. Besides that your cowardly culture prevents your country’s women from contributing a fair share which they would willing do. Caveman, your culture is a sick drag on real civil culture. Man up, have your mommy help you throw away your droopy diapers. Dopy Dunce get a life, get a civilized culture.
Common sense requires a national 2% growth rate, really? Is growth rate good and inflation bad? Is there a direct relationship between growth rates/ population and extinction of species?
Is it common sense to allow sociopaths to infiltrate world stock markets, politics and corporations? Why not use psychological personality tests to provide stable secure leadership?
Congressional common sense (joking) allows mining companies to profit then become bankrupt and leave the taxpayers the expense of toxic clean up. Congressional bribery constantly interferes with congress using common sense. Pay to play Democracy!
Is it common sense to not operate government import or export stations on weekends? Where is the criminal appreciation for free weekend pass for criminal business?
Common sense bribery inspires the corrupt Corp of Engineers to drain Florida swamps at taxpayer and environmental expense for benefit of private businesses. Then have the corrupt Corp of Engineers repair land back to swampland at taxpayers expense to save private businesses.
Were the dinosaurs more detrimental to their habitat than the humans to theirs? What improvements did God make by the creation of man? Did dinosaurs have cleaner air than humans?
Will future dinosaurs be able to restore man’s devastation?
The common sense in U S Congress supports corrupt (Is there any other kind?) dictatorships in countries that destroy citizens and environment. Dictators kill for wealth and control. Moms, fight (no prisoners or compromise) for law and justice. If not now, when scream the eagles?
Dictatorships begin by raising a divisive army fighting for control. Workers beware of philosophy, sex, religion or wealth. Dictators/sociopaths/Wall Streeters are algorithms whose grinding goal is to destroy opposition/competition, the soul of free enterprise.
Why does one hate dictators? Count the ways.
Communist countries are dictatorships.
No free media
No free competition
No free voting
No free speech
No free education
No free justice system
No free gun rights
No free assemblies
No free religion
No free travel
No free economy
Is it common sense to believe that anyone is a self-made success?
How come tepid hard-working common sense mothers with the long-term voting power and the immediate buying power to force the creation a better world waste their money shopping for what they don’t need and waste their time complaining about men who don’t listen? That is all they can do for the family and the country they love? Role models for daughters!
If laws favor the rich and powerful, if justice favors the rich and powerful, then civilization shall regress to the fruits of revolution. However, if the tepid people as usual accept the something is better than nothing program… If the rich and powerful were subject to the same laws in the same manner with the same justice, then the revolution would be in the evolution of civilization.
Probably the common-sense reason for laws against selling grenades, machine guns and flame throwers to people in the U.S. is the danger. Therefore, (common sense) why aren’t there laws against nations selling weapons to nations? Of course, there are lots of complex reasons for selling weapons. But all the reasons could be probably basically be one or two. One would be trust. Two would be willingness to compromise. Three would be the removal of dictators. Four would be sacrificing for the greater good. About 90% ? of the world population would agree to those four items because the results make common sense.
Sanctions are not common sense. The problem with sanctions is the outrageous suffering of the millions of innocents and the future results of the suffering. Sanctions are not a humane solution. Dictators are beyond psychological treatment. They will not compromise for the good of a nation’s people. How can any normal person believe that killing a dictator is a violation of sovereignty. Their life is a violation of sovereignty. It is best to eliminate the dictators/sociopaths in a manner similar to what they would use. Dictators are composed of a poisonous substance, toxic waste and should be tossed into a vat of acid or a sewage pit. Where their admirers can breath the fumes and take bottle samples home.
H2O! It equals air. The brain requires lots of oxygen. If it doesn’t have at least 20% oxygen, then a child’s brain may not develop to potential. Some air within a few miles of an industrial park does not have as much oxygen as required. Air contains less oxygen today than fifty years ago because of pollution. Forest fires and cutting trees also rob the air of oxygen. The law may not allow for all children to have equal oxygen, but justice demands that all children have it.