Let he who is without sin throw the first stone. Does just living a decent life certify us to toss rocks? How many sacrifices (lifestyle) would we have to make to be entitled enough to throw the first stone? Then after having pitched the first stone what happens to the value of our character? Throwing entitled stones could be hazardous. Entitlement whether real or imagined needs the guidance of a psychologist, at least an attorney. Do I certify myself to toss a couple? Who do we know is certified to throw stones?
Let he who has made no sacrifice say that he should be king?
Let he who has not granted mercy say that he is deserving of mercy?
Let he who has walked on fresh rose petals say he understands the pain of walking on thorns?
Let he who is deceitful set in judgment of honest folks?
The spring’s sowing is the fall’s harvest. The garden without a sacrificing shepherd is a weed patch. Hats off to parents and teachers.
At the end of one’s life, how satisfied can one be who has not made sacrifices for the benefit of others? A multimillionaire tosses a donation for what purpose, vanity,? A sin healing salve! As one reviews the past, were sacrifices actually opportunities for character development? The building of a sound foundation for a resilient future is hammered on an anvil, be it man or nation.
Most of the people in prison did not have the character resources, for whatever reason, necessary for avoiding prison. Of course, some wealthy people are wealthy because of a lack of character resources and should be in prison. It is almost impossible to be rich and make the correct sacrificed decisions necessary to be of good character, to be admired. Not one day of a dictator’s life is sin free. It would probably be best to alter the genetic code of wealthy people, dictators. Actually, perhaps it already is which explains why it needs to be changed.
Is there a bond relationship between those we admire or love the most and the sacrifices they made. Is there a bonding relationship between role models who have sacrificed and our future? Is it possible to be a role model without having sacrificed something in the process? What is the future of our community and our world without our sacrifice?
What are we doing to promote our bonding thru sacrifice? What up? We can just deny sinning and throw the first stones! Hey Wall Street man, just put your name in large glitzy neon letters on a donated multi million dollar memorial museum, for your own desperately despicable desperados. We will pay to see it, swoon with envy.
Mothers survive via tactical empathy; mothers protect their children via tactical empathy. Tactical empathy is many facets of sacrifice.
Love demands sacrifice. Love requires a fair exchange. A fair exchange requires sacrifice (really?). How many millions have died in defense of the motherland, buried unmarked elsewhere? How many wild spirits have been saved from evil by the sacrifices required of love? Bent backs of beloved betray the stern sacrifices of devoted dedicated decades. Has sacrifice for others ever diminished one’s character, one’s contribution to civilization? Motherhood is a noteworthy sacrifice which is deserving of honorable community sacrifices. Sacrifice defines!
Sacrifice heals! Sacrifice delivers! Sacrifice creates! Sacrifice purifies the spirit of a nation! Sacrifice unifies! Sacrifice is divine!
The military from the earliest of times have made tremendous sacrifices. Who denies that the acknowledgments sincerely heart felt were not adequate. Back then generals did not have enough soldiers; generals had to allow the burden of women camp followers. In World War II generals had to endure the embarrassment of having women pilots. The military was sacrificially forced by dirty tactics to lower the flag for proudly prancing pinky panties to enroll in military academies. Generals suffered the snickering indignity of ordering women warriors to dig latrine trenches. Generals twitch thru anxiety tremors discussing war strategies with women officers in the war rooms, prissily poking hallowed ships on maps with indifferent savior faire sticks. The Las Vegas bewitching brew parties of tantalizing tailhook tolerance toppled torrid teapot temptations on to tablets of blushing rear admirals sacrificed on dysentery thrones. Today’s military has sacrificed dearly while envying yore generals who had domesticated camp followers who knew their place.
Generals and admirals have to constantly pinch and patch like welfare mothers with hungry children. The generals and admirals only get half of the nation’s taxpayer dollars; fortunately, they don’t have to suffer the additional embarrassment of strict disciplined civilian budget accountability, again like welfare mothers. The generals and admirals are mired in the swamp of constantly plodding thru lily pads of bodies to find enough healthy ones suitable for service. Oh sugar, the salvageable ones don’t have a proper attitude. Can’t welfare mothers do anything right! Then after retirement generals and admirals have to humiliate themselves by asking weapon corporations for a lobbyist “job”. Like welfare moms, the sacrifices never seem to end. Would it be fair of the military to sacrifice (like actually man up) a few unaccountable billion for helping mothers raise healthy children? War room strategic planning with welfare moms pitifully poking piles of money into potholes on welfare maps.
The generals could sacrifice a billion dollars for creating an AI military peace program which would save taxpayers money and could be sold to other nations (Can’t one just imagine a fuzzy female general saying, “But honey, our destructive weapons are a peace program, and they are being sold to other nations”.). Gotta love female loco logic! The military needs to sacrifice warfare as the national rational for its existence. Would our military be entitled to throw the first stone? Imagine a general with a medal on her chest for being certified to fire off the first stone. Talk about a leadership role model! Seriously, what about generals sacrificing a few billion from a 750 billion dollar war budget for helping lost kids get thru grade school? How could the admirals do that? A decommissioned tank for each schoolyard, sweetie pie! Annex game rooms! Politely prick pathetically paternalistic patriotic politicians! Have our United States of America admirals and generals sacrifice their creativity to their gods of war and weapons?