Something is Better than Nothing (SBM).
We fear and regret our losses by taking action more than we fear and regret our losses by taking no action. Something is better than nothing. The fear of loss is a greater motivation than the motivation of hope for gain.
We are the daily stoic prey of corporate algorithms.
We need to stand up, join hands and say, sing, write our feelings and thoughts. To believe and act gives our friends and community the hope necessary to defeat corruption.
The majority of women and men are tepid which is fine. Tepid gives stability to society. The tepid work eight to five, have kids, have hobbies, watch television, support tribal corruption, pay taxes, hate/need government and fear corporate sociopaths. However, the daily ravages of fear and insecurity create a constipated lifestyle which results in anger and depression. The sad thing is tepids refuse to take any meaningful actions for the security of their thin ice lifestyle which is cracking from constant corrupt political and corporate attacks.
Thus far under the leadership of want to be sociopathic men and the acquiescence of women, the health and security of all on the planet is not good. Urgent changes must be made to secure a healthy future. Alas, mmm the past leadership created the present; therefore, that shall not be a solution. Ah, what a need for leadership mindset change!
Mmmm could that majority of acquisiting tepid women possibly agree to accept attitude therapy, from warrior women of course? Such a need for Joan of Arc!
If only the majority would take action to protect and secure the future (via knowledge, voting, wealth, and focused purchasing power).
Marching, shouting and singing are good fun stuff but a waste of money, of time and of effort that could be used more effectively: 1. Marches are not organized; it takes more than cell phones and free water bottles. 2. It is more effective to have a different group of five hundred people every weekend for two months than ten thousand people for two days. Evil can tolerate disruption for two days, a bit of excitement. Time is a grinding force for the impatience of evil to reckon with. The evil mindset seeks force/violence as a quick practical solution to a just protest which Gandhi proved to be an error. 3. Just the food requirements for thousands of marchers siphons the precious energy and the morale of marches. 4. Fewer people can communicate and interact effectively with more freedom. 5. The march must have an attitude and mindset of special military operations. Just the knowledge of having an organized plan for execution is morale builder. 6. Each five hundred group has a special hat or vest. Strive for unity. But something (a big march) is better than nothing. The present world leadership only responds to corruption, to transparency, to money, to embarrassment, to power and to direct pain (Never forget, sociopaths are oblivious to the suffering of others; therefore, the suffering of others has little negotiating value, a wimpy tactic.). Only normal decent people have the character to respond to the suffering of others.
Tepid people have the power to change most evil corporations (Sheepdogs constantly taking little daily nips are very effective; they can control a herd of profit
focused CEOs.). For example, scientific evidence indicates that sugar is not healthy (causes inflammation); therefore, sheepdogs don’t buy (nip) sweet breakfast cereal to protest the evil corporate advertisements aimed at children. Tepid people must constantly attack by not buying (sheepdog in a positive passive manner = sppm.) products of harmful corporations thereby motivating change to their evil behavior. Fear must be felt in the mindset of corporate leaders who rage against the boundaries of health and security.
The tepid women have a strong tendency to trust men for leadership more than women. History proves that men are not concerned about women’s welfare; therefore, women’s future security is a struggle filled with disrespect and pain unless the tepid women change to an action attitude. Tepid women must take part in filling void. The warrior women are important role models, but it is the tepid women who have the (muscle) opinion power, voting power and purchasing power (Don’t like corrupt big banks, then don’t use them or buy their stocks.).
Women must make some compromises with each other concerning major issues in order to make the world a secure and healthy place for families. Make the world healthy again is not a call to the global bankers, generals and politicians to continue their destructive sociopathic evils. The tepid women have the muscle, the overwhelming power to “heel them or hang them”.
Justice is the guiding light. The light needs focus, intensity and persistence. Women can win the war for justice: 1. compromise attitude 2. prioritize goals 3. select battles 4. vision of justice. The concept of peace must be adopted like a religion. It is the laser beacon wilting wiggling evil. If a few cancer disguised dictators are lost by mistakes, there are many more desperate to replace them.
The problem is how to get the tepid people to take effective passive (voting) action before marches and riots have to occur. Such a waste and disappointing results! The waves dashing against stone cliffs.
Fighting with police (They take orders and give protection. Police by definition are 8 hour tepid people.) is not right; they have families who are suffering also. Tepid people must deal effectively with the sociopathic leadership that gives the orders to the police. Patience/tolerance are not virtues when castrating sociopaths. Only trained psychologists should attempt to treat them in a secure institution, not a government office.
Sociopathic corporate leaders were the creators of labor unions! Pushing the boundaries of greed at the expense of workers. Unions were the back lash of terrible work conditions, duh. CEOs poisoned their own profit centers just like they now poison our environment with the same immoral greedy leadership, the mindset of evil destructive minds.
Government transparency and protected journalism can help fire up the tepid folks. Since day one, the tepid people have been late at their expense. Their excuses for no action, they claim as rational reasons. Tepid people are ignorant enough to believe they should hate the other tribes in their country rather than the leadership of their country. The rank and file tribe members of all tribes have basic inalienable rights in common.
The tepid women in the world want the basic things for their children. It is the basic things that children need that unites women the most. For example, the tepids allow corporate farms to raise and sell pork and beef that lack proper health standards. Then the tepids wonder why children are not healthy, not doing well in school. Corrupt politicians get big donations from corrupt farm corporations for fuzzy health regulations. No industry or profession should be allowed to self regulate (Mom, donut lit dem be puttin de fox in de chic kin howz.) thereby threatening health/security of children.
Corporations/Wall Street rant against big government regulations; they pay millions of dollars for propaganda fighting protective rules for consumers . The phony inspections and phony enforcement of regulations cost the taxpayers billions of dollars in health costs. It is terrible. Self-regulation doesn’t work. Even the self-regulation of government agencies does not work. Self regulation of religion does not work.
Whistleblowers are desperately needed to expose inside corruption.
They are the first class heroes of the working people who need honest protection.
Algorithms must be tamed and used against corruption! Algorithms must be transparent and recognized as an inalienable right of the people.
Warrior women are inadequate as leaders if they don’t motivate the passion of leadership in tepid women. The horse power of billions is not being harnessed. It is not focused on a check list of basic needs and a check list of basic procedures. No country can survive without the support of its tepid women.
Please get it straight! Warrior women are the inspiring role models. Tepid women are the muscle (credit cards, labor and votes)! Be healed or be hanged! If not now, when tepid ladies? When have you had enough? How much longer are you going to work and die in vain with your children not having a fair chance to be average? Is taking a knife to a gun fight really the best you can do?
The gods have a plan for you = something is better than nothing SBN. You are blessed to be easily satisfied. The corporations have a plan for you = something better than nothing SBN. Keep buying and keep working and keep quiet.
Corrupt corporations have trained (advertising) tepid moms to crave spending hard earned money to get a bit of joy just from the craving act of spending for a phony guilt producing need. Warrior women must lead the tepid moms to get their endorphins from saving money which will empower them like Amazons (Can’t save what haven’t got.). A tepid Mom with a solid bank account is fearless! Spit in the devil’s eye. Talking real endorphin power big Ma Ma!
FOMO you all! Tepid young ladiz goin ta pit the FOMO n de big steppin CEOs jockey straps (wary woody wilt). The Fear Of Missing Out! Goin ta be ah new meow (grawl) comin yah heer!
Ten Commandments of tepid women:
1. Thou shall educate yourself
2. Thou shall promote world transparency
3. Thou shall use your voting strength
4. Thou shall use your buying strength
5. Thou shall use the strength of science
6. Thou shall use the strength of justice
7. Thou shall only worship the entities of peace
8. Thou shall enhance the environment
9. Thou shall not tolerate enslavement or torture
10. Thou shall protect your children’s healthy future
Tepid ladies your family’s greatest security is in the trust you build in your community and the trust you demand (death fight for) of your government. Women are inherently nurturing (Thank you Lucy.). They angrily accept the false premise that something is better than nothing (SBN) in order to provide for children. Men/politicians take advantage of Mothers’s inherent nurturing weakness/strength. In family and politics, women are weary and warily struggling for justice.
There is no honor in avoiding your destiny. Fight now to win, Mom or your children will fight later. Mom, something is better than nothing (SBN) is a bitter grinding daily philosophy to endure. Does it say that in the Bible! Mmmm well, men wrote the Bible. Does the Bible need revision/updating from empowered tepid Mothers? The Bible does not acknowledge the differences between women and men. Actually it would be best for men to revise the Bible if they think there is a need for it. Women should write a Bible free of the quarrelsome debating burden of revising content. Women writing a Bible would establish a woman’s self image and self esteem just as it did for men. Another Bible would provide women with a foundation of security which they now do not have.
Man’s Ultimate Commitment by Henry N. Wiemen